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FireinmyBones1 Member
Joined: 2004/1/17 Posts: 219 Michigan
| Sermons that have broken you | | What are some of the sermons - either off of this site or otherwise - which have left you most wounded, broken, and scarred by the Spirit? (I say all of those things in a good sense) Which sermons have caused you to draw nearer to God through repentance? Which have caused your prayer life to ignite? For me "Christs cry to His church in this day" by Keith Daniel is top on my list. This was the first of brother Daniels sermons that I had heard. It took me a while to get used to his style (what I at the time perceived as over-dramatization) but I soon realized that this man was burning with unction and was, as E.M. Bounds says, soaked in the dew of heaven. Praise God for this convicting message. Burning, Jeff _________________ Jeff
2004/10/30 21:02 | Profile |
Will Member
Joined: 2003/10/1 Posts: 79 Auckland, New Zealand
| Re: Sermons that have broken you | | Im not sure if this really belongs in this particular forum? But anyway I guess it doesnt matter.
Sermons that come to mind are Revival Series 1 (Part 1 & 2), particularly that part he talks about the couple of drug addicts who were converted.
Also 'Weeping Between Porch and the Altar' by Leonard Ravenhill. Probably because it was the first full Ravenhill sermon I heard. But just the way he speaks, with such a passion.
Another one (again by Ravenhill) is 'John the Baptist, the Fire of God (Part 1). "I can't live another day without the fire of God! You need the fire of God to pray. You need the fire of God to see visions. You need the fire of God to recognise... there's no help for us! I don't want to cry as I've done so long, like David in Psalm 80, 'O Thou that dwellest between the cherubims. Lord dont stay there, come down here! We need God here. I could go on but you get the picture!
Yeah those are a few which immediately come to mind.
_________________ Will Schmidt
2004/10/31 1:23 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
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For me "Christs cry to His church in this day" by Keith Daniel is top on my list. This was the first of brother Daniels sermons that I had heard. It took me a while to get used to his style (what I at the time perceived as over-dramatization) but I soon realized that this man was burning with unction and was, as E.M. Bounds says, soaked in the dew of heaven. Praise God for this convicting message.
Brother Yes! I have been impacted much by the ministry of Keith Daniel, I would say the afore-mentioned recording has blessed me much also his "power in prayer" and "the book of james" have left an mark on my walk with Christ.
I just last night re-listened to this message by wilkerson and was broken again before the Lord really asking him to allow me to share his anguish over the condition of the church and my own heart 'spiritual jerusalem'. Sad thing is most of us can't even see the bankrupt state our hearts are in.. we need to cry out to Him.. 'the walls are broken down'!
[url=]A Call to Anguish by David Wilkerson[/url] - This message is a call for all Believers to allow the anguish of God's heart for His Church and the world, into their own. Be prepared to be stirred by the Holy Spirit. You will truly never be the same! _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2004/10/31 10:55 | Profile |
Yodi Member
Joined: 2004/4/23 Posts: 663 Escondido, California
| Re: Sermons that have broken you | | [b]An Habitation of God[/b] [i]by David Wilkerson[/i] definitely broke me. It's a beautiful, yet serious sermon about the intimacy God desires to have with us. I was reminded that I am married to Christ. I need to love Him like a husband, in faithfulness and intimacy. The sermon was a great encouragement in growing more and more in love with God. _________________ Yolanda Fields
2004/11/1 12:44 | Profile |
barnyharper Member
Joined: 2004/11/1 Posts: 1
| Re: Keith Daniel's sermon... | | I have just searched for this sermon and can't find it - where can I get a copy?! |
2004/11/1 13:27 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
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I have just searched for this sermon and can't find it - where can I get a copy?!
Welcome to the site, feel free to introduce yourself here: [url=]Welcome & Intro[/url]. As for the sermon which one are you paticularly looking for? this one: [url=]An Habitation of God by David Wilkerson[/url] ? _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2004/11/1 13:34 | Profile |
kathleen1 Member
Joined: 2004/8/5 Posts: 226
| Re: Sermons that have broken you | | Without a doubt: "We shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ" by David Wilkerson and "The Violent Overthrow of God's House" By Carter Conlon. Bro. Wilkerson was preaching about the need to judge ourselves not others, and Bro. Conlon was preaching about the need to pray and be concerned for those around us, instead of getting so wrapped up in our own lives and problems. Good question! Kathleen _________________ Kathleen
2004/11/2 1:16 | Profile |
mtembezi Member
Joined: 2004/10/28 Posts: 66 Nairobi, Kenya
| Re: Sermons that have broken you | | "Revival" by Leonard Ravenhill. The very first one I've heard from him. I had begun praying for revival. Got a recommendation to get Ravenhill's books. Well, I got the sermon from his site and thought I'd put my legs up and spend the evening listening... Not so! No more than 30 min into the sermon I was on my knees/face weeping/wailing. Never been the same, though now seeking and praying that the fire may still burn, that I'd be combustible for the rest of my days. Richard _________________ Richard Walker
2004/11/12 10:37 | Profile |