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Joined: 2004/10/30
Posts: 15
Singapore / Australia (Melbourne)

 Art Katz in Singapore

Dear saint, I am new to the forum. I am webmaster of Cornerstone Community Church : Singapore
Just to share some free resources we have on our website.
Art Katz was at church last week and deliver some prophetical messages: They convicting and life changing. His messages:

[url=]Against False Prophets (ministers)[/url]

[url=]A Call to Apostolicity[/url]

[url=]Selling All Your Possessions[/url]

[url=]Ascending the Holy Hill[/url]

Files you can download are in MP3 & WMA

I hope the sermons will bless you!

Lawton Ho

 2004/10/30 5:54Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Art Katz in Singapore

The Aftermath of An Encounter
30 October 2004

I’m still staggering from the residue of the presence of the Holy Spirit which we basked in during the conference last week with Arthur Katz. Sitting under his ministry and interacting with him on a personal basis, I could not but feel that I was speaking to someone who walks in a degree of similarity to the saints in the early Church. I have never met an OT prophet before, but I think that Art sure comes close!

A lot of people I spoke to have been deeply impacted by Art’s ministry (including my wife and I), though several in the church have expressed that they could not fully understand the messages. I think they got lost in his vocabulary. But here is a classic excerpt of an email from a member of the church who was deeply impacted by Art’s ministry. I have ‘edited’ his email because of length and I am reproducing it for you because I think it pretty much sums up the feelings of many in Cornerstone. Here goes:–
“I am overwhelmed by the message. I am in a state of euphoria. It has transformed me from abject misery to a state of bliss. I wouldn’t know yet for sure the source of this joy though. But the fact that it has lasted these few days and has not run out of steam is in itself a proof that it springs from some source that is not superficial. It seemed to have served as the panacea for all discords that I have been struggling with within me …

“I always read this message in the Christ of the New Testament. The Christ of courage, the Christ who questioned the established religious order, not the Christ who encourages us to live within the confines of the secular comfort and to call on His name to further our worldly ends. Alas the charismatic Christian order wouldn’t let me subscribe to this notion of God, and to his grandiose for redemption for humanity. Fear and insecurity, reward and punishment were the focus of popularized Christianity. I have sworn I shall not belittle my Lord’s sacrifice with my cheap expectations and worldly petitions in future!

“I have never answered an altar call in all my church going ‘Christian’ life. Yesterday was the only day I found myself moving towards the altar in spite of me. I had desperately wanted to be anointed with oil by this man but the whole group of people standing at the back were left out including me. Ironically the only time I wanted to be prayed for (to me this was a moment of eternal significance) I was missed out. Never mind though. Pastor, the whole thing has been shaken into perspective!! I’m not willing to let go of this clarity, this enlightenment! Not even if the devil should offer me the care-taking of all his kingdom and its riches! Thanks so much for bringing this man.”

I encourage you to listen to Art’s messages which are available on CD format and on our website. And you need to listen to them over and over again to let the Word sink in.
Have a nice weekend!

Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong

Lars Widerberg

 2004/10/30 6:39Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Art Katz in Singapore

A most sincere and warm welcome to you Cornerstone!

Thank you for sharing these resources and I do hope you may be blessed likewise by all that is available here.

It seems Art always leaves something in his wake, no matter where he goes. Can still recall the warmth of the man even in and through the seriousness of the message he brought our way last year. [i]"Precious saint(s)"[/i] indeed.

Mike Balog

 2004/10/30 6:56Profile

Joined: 2004/10/30
Posts: 15
Singapore / Australia (Melbourne)

 Re: Art Katz in Singapore

Thanks crsschk. Like this website, all Cornerstone's sermons and teaching are free to download. I look forward to contribution more audio sermons and teachings to this forum

Lawton Ho

 2004/10/30 7:39Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA



A kind of informal introduction to our webmaster, 'leader' and all around good guy, Greg Gordon who should be coming along shortly. Got a hunch he might take a liking to all this.

Purusing your site and may I say, outstanding!
Incredible job you are doing there brother.

Mike Balog

 2004/10/30 7:52Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Thanks crsschk. Like this website, all Cornerstone's sermons and teaching are free to download. I look forward to contribution more audio sermons and teachings to this forum

Praise God brother thank you for allowing us to get these sermons up to bless more of the body of Christ. How did you hear about SermonIndex?

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/10/30 10:34Profile

Joined: 2003/9/16
Posts: 474

 Thanks Cornerstone

I've been praying for a Asian man, with a true heart for God for my brother-in-law. God is faithful and answered my prayer through Pastor Yoong. Thank you Jesus.

And for Brother Art, his sermons always cut to the heart. Thanks for sharing with us and your website is great as well by the way.

Ed Pugh

 2004/10/30 11:24Profile

Joined: 2004/10/30
Posts: 15
Singapore / Australia (Melbourne)


Praise God brother thank you for allowing us to get these sermons up to bless more of the body of Christ. How did you hear about SermonIndex?

I was looking for Art Katz sermons. And stumble into this site via search engine.

Lawton Ho

 2004/10/30 20:47Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I was looking for Art Katz sermons. And stumble into this site via search engine.

Praise God thats wonderful. I have been in contact with Ben Israel and will hopefully be getting many more messages up including video ones. Thank you for recording those messages of art katz and making them available.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/10/30 20:51Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Katz concentrated and refined

These files are Katz concentrated and refined.
A solid introduction to the message to the Church through Art Katz.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/10/31 5:52Profile

All sermons are offered freely and all contents of the site
where applicable is committed to the public domain for the
free spread of the gospel.