Poster | Thread | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | As I stated before egrow, the Word of the Lord is sufficent.
To accuse someone of "making Satan proud" or calling them lazy and ignorant because they question your intentions is NOT of the Lord. Your posts show immaturity in how a child of the Lord is to conduct himself. Fruits of the Spirit egrow. That is in Galatians 5, for your reference.
Blessings! _________________ Christiaan
| 2010/8/22 10:05 | Profile | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | egrow, if I may share some advice.
When bringing the Scriptures to a person, or to a group of people, try your best to disappear. What I mean by this is try not to draw attention to yourself with statements such as, "The truth that I am bringing you" as though you are an exclusive brother and others are frauds. Also, it is unwise to say, "I can open your eyes", because you are not able to open the eyes of a man born blind. Only God can do this, and if He chooses to use you as vessel to accomplish this, your job is to remain low like a donkey and allow Him to ride and take all the glory. If people throw their coats before you, remember that it is for the Lord and not you.
Simply take the Scriptures where God wants them, and keep your head low. When you come into this forum, keep your head down like a donkey and you'll cover more distance with the Lord. The Lord didn't ride a horse into Jerusalem, for horses are swift, strong, certain. This is how many believers are in their presentation of spiritual things in Jesus' name. As result, the Lord doesn't ride them. He instead picks lowly donkeys who are loathe to bring attention to themselves. Remember this next time you post in the forums and are tempted to bring attention to your spirituality or knowledge of scripture or comparitive position in Christ to others.
Please pray about this things.
Brother Paul
_________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2010/8/22 10:07 | Profile | Sagrada Member

Joined: 2010/8/22 Posts: 9 New Mexico, USA
| Re: | | I like what Brother Paul is stating here. Many times the words tend to get in the way. This can easily happen with sermons that try to be topical, and fail to bring the message back to the one true God. Any message that brings a self-centered gospel is no Gospel at all.
The question must be asked again, "What is truth?" As we know, it is what Jesus came to this world to testify to. Likewise, we know that God's word is truth - absolute truth - the infallable work of God. In this light, we must be true to God's word, and with the fear of the Lord, always to bring Scripture to bear properly and lovingly to the task at hand.
Since we have died to self, we now live in Christ. The question now before us becomes, "What exactly is our task at hand?" The humble recognition of this state is what allows us to receive the power of the Holy Spirit as we seek to do God's will in our lives. This scantifying process we find ourselves in is what drives us toward our heavenly hope. It also allows us to discern that which is in the world. As Brother Paul advised, it is our resolution to this state that in all situations and circumstances we make ourselves lower, and lift Christ up higher.
However, as Egrow points out, and correctly so, there are those preaching a false gospel - a worldly gospel that should be correctly discerned from God's truth. Many "religeous, church going folk" will be lost because they failed to discern the Truth. There is no other truth than that which is found in God's general and special revelations. As I believe Egrow is pointing out, people are being misled by those in positions of trust, where they promote a worldly gospel that at best simple makes people feel good on Sunday. Woe to those who sit by and allow lies to be spewed out in God's house. Standing up for Christ comes at a price! Who will be bold enough to proclaim the Truth?
We know how the story ends, but what is needed now is a spiritual revival - especaially in America. I can assure you that Satan is quite content to see what is happening in most churches these days. We must take to heart the caution that Paul stated in 1 Cor 3:10, with our goal being to be of one mind in Christ Jesus, being true and obedient to the will of God.
Mike _________________ Mike Sherick... A servant of Christ
| 2010/8/22 11:28 | Profile | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Truth transmitted by way of a corrupted channel can bring death to its recipients. I venture to say there are many believers calling the church to repentance and accurately fingering many of the issues that plague the church who are nothing more than clanging cymbals because their hearts are not right with God. I am not saying this about egrow; I don't know his heart. The problem is that such exhortations do more harm than good, in the same way that the letter of God's word brings death and not life. Both the letter of God and our exhortations need the Spirit in order to bring life to our hearers. When a person comes with the scriptures, we ought to look for Spirit and not just be content with the cold letter. There are many angry believers out there wielding a cold sword and hacking into the crowd. The Lord doesn't want that. The sword needs to be hot with the fire of the Spirit and it needs to applied to its target with loving care and precision. The anointed minister of God is a conscientious surgeon, one who has spent much time beneath God himself on the operating table and under the all-revealing light and scalpel of the Holy Spirit. Only after God has removed the spiritual tumors and bacterirum from him is he fit to operate on others with any degree of authority. And after God has used him to operate on others, back he goes again to the operating table to make sure none of the contaminates entered his own system. _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2010/8/22 12:11 | Profile | Sagrada Member

Joined: 2010/8/22 Posts: 9 New Mexico, USA
| Re: | | Well stated Brother Paul.
It's off to church. Have a blessed day everyone!
Mike _________________ Mike Sherick... A servant of Christ
| 2010/8/22 12:19 | Profile |