Poster | Thread | egrow Member

Joined: 2010/8/18 Posts: 15 Dayton, Texas
| True Salvation | | Is found in Acts 4:12 and NOT by any other church doctrine. We are called to become sons of God by Rev. 21:7. Why is this NOT mentioned in the churches? If we leave our physical bodies then we can NOT overcome the lusts of the flesh, thus Satan has won their soul! Is this NOT important to any Christians? 1 Peter 1:23 Tells us how we are Born-again! Why isn't anyone who thinks he is of God and in a position to speak out against Lies that steal mens souls?
We who are of God MUST speak out against lies that deceive new Christians daily! If you love God then you speak the Truth NOT lies and lies from a pulpit cause many to miss the mark, as it is written Hosea 4:6. There is NO need for mens doctrines to steal people away from God! |
| 2010/8/19 9:37 | Profile | enid Member

Joined: 2006/5/22 Posts: 2680 Nottingham, England
| Re: True Salvation | | It's not clear what you are referring to.
You mentioned 'mens doctrines'. Which ones?
As far as speaking out goes, whose listening anyhow?
| 2010/8/19 10:09 | Profile | egrow Member

Joined: 2010/8/18 Posts: 15 Dayton, Texas
| Re: So many doctrines, NOT one | | Say this prayer after me - The sinner's pray for Salvation which has NO scripture to back it up, in fact Jesus said prayer NOT to me, but rather to the Father. Other Religious organizations do it by Baptism in their church, or it doesn't count. What I was saying, IS The Christian Religion, that ALL denominations preach lies, though it is done NOT intensionally the end result is the same, The blind led the blind. This is what is written in the scriptures. The end Days, The Day of The Lord is NOT about the end of this world, but the end of SINS - Dan. 9:24. Self-appointed, educated men THINK they can interpret the scriptures, or what is called an educated guess, BUT NOT the Truth. IF those who believe they are Gods do nothing about these lies people are being told then Salvation is lost! |
| 2010/8/19 10:31 | Profile | enid Member

Joined: 2006/5/22 Posts: 2680 Nottingham, England
| Re: | | Ok. So what do we do? |
| 2010/8/19 10:38 | Profile | Koheleth Member

Joined: 2005/11/10 Posts: 530 NC
| Re: | | Quote:
Ok. So what do we do?
Don't join with those who tell lies, don't follow the blind. Contrarily, join with the truth and follow Jesus. Simple as that. If you follow Jesus and I follow Jesus, the world will experience a minor revolution. No need to look at the logs in our brothers eye (or Herod's eye) if we have one in our own! |
| 2010/8/19 14:50 | Profile | egrow Member

Joined: 2010/8/18 Posts: 15 Dayton, Texas
| Re: | | READ the Bible for your own self asnd STOP listening to religious leaders, because they ONLY cause confusion. If you REALLY want help I will help, but ONLY if you are serious about God. [email protected]
I am a porter John 10:3, NO man can teach the Word of God, but I can open your eyes, so you can SEE (fully understand) what is written. As a servant of God, the Holy Spirit will give you confirming scriptures when I show you the ritten Word, which will confirm I am a servant of God. I do NOT take money from any one, because God is my inheritance. Freely I give you, FREELY give. One way to tell a false Christ is IF they take your money! May God Bless you! |
| 2010/8/21 9:41 | Profile | egrow Member

Joined: 2010/8/18 Posts: 15 Dayton, Texas
| Re: Ignorance, self-assurance! | | How do you follow a NAME you don't even understand?
The answer to your next question! Because you Don't JOIN the Truth, you live the Truth
This isn't about logs in anyone'as eyes, but SCRIPTURE IF you knew JESUS then you would KNOW the scriptures talk about in God's Wrath He is going to destroy Chrictianity as we know it Today, because it is of the Devil and NOT God.' Anyone that knew the Word of God would know that is what God is upset about in these days, all you have to do is READ Hosea 4:6 I guess is NOT in your bible or you were told that it's History, though the Word says this is for the lastter days Chapter 3 verse 5 It is Christians that are so sure of themselves without written scriptures to prove anything, because they repeat whatsoever religion teaches them! |
| 2010/8/21 10:25 | Profile | Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | egrow. You tell us not to listen to religious leaders, but instead we are to listen to you?
The Word of God is sufficent. Blessings! _________________ Christiaan
| 2010/8/21 10:26 | Profile | egrow Member

Joined: 2010/8/18 Posts: 15 Dayton, Texas
| Re: ignorance! | | If someone Quotes scripture then that's OK, but idf someone tells a Truth showing written scriptures that You are to lazy to READ, then that person wants U to follow them. NO one should follow anyonwe, but most people are sheep, therefore they can't help themselves, and IF they were to follow God (written scriptures) then they would know that what I am posting is what is written in the scriptures, therefore I can assume you don't READ or you are just plain ignorant. I am warningn those that have sat in churches listen to men's doctrine and being told it was God's Word. Which is the responsiblity of one who has been given/enlightened the Word, however Satan would try to make my post aboutb me instead of reading the scriptures that tell the Truth, so I am sure Satan is proud of you! Hosea 4:6 speaks to people that reject His Word and it is because they want to believe that they are rejecting me, but If what I posted IS the Written Word then it is God, you come against. |
| 2010/8/22 9:12 | Profile | Goldminer Member

Joined: 2006/11/7 Posts: 1178 Alabama
| Re: | | I do believe I understand the point being made here. It is preached, accept Jesus as your Savior, say these words after me.......
However what is not preached is what this really means. Dying to self, taking up your cross daily and following Him. Realizing that your life is not your own, but bought with a price, that you are no longer to live unto yourself, but unto Him. Your stuff, money, homes, etc. are in His hands to be dealt with as He sees fit. Relationships are governed by Him as well. We can't pick and choose, we have a Master, a King, a Lord and when we come to Him we forsake all and follow Him.
Truly in the majority of the churches this is not preached. Few forsake all and take up their cross and follow Him. Most of us have been our own masters. We have not really counted the cost, because we don't really even know what the cost is.
Come to Jesus and He will fix everything. Your life will be sweet and happy. Hogwash, come and die, but that death will bring joy and peace, I guarantee it.
egrow is right in this post. The real gospel is not preached, at least not in very many places. In countries where believers are persecuted, the cost is understood more fully. They know it will probably cost their physical life, but because they already live crucified lives they don't fear that momentary death the way the rest of the world does.
It is time to let the real gospel penetrate our hearts. The early disciples forsook all and followed Him, so must we. Our lives are not our own, so why do we live like they are?
_________________ KLC
| 2010/8/22 9:34 | Profile |