by StarofG0D on 2010/8/17 19:57:45
Amen G. I have wondered the same. I have at first blamed and accused. However, in turn realizing in my own unbelief and misunderstanding of what the Lord may have been trying to perfect in me, refused His form of chastening during the time... --------------------------------------------------------- oh yeah, the blame game, and how many of us are actually far removed from that. All we have to do is begin looking for reasons for what happens and the blaming is not far behind.
You are striking awfully close to home in not realizing my own unbelief and misunderstandingS about how God fine-tunes us.
(What we physically observe to be happening is only the smudged and shadowy looking glass.)
The passage from Psalm 139 may not seem to be related to Matthew 18, however, it's been realized in this life just how closely it is related.
The hugest of problems created by me is the result of taking matters in my own hands, thinking i have some power to solve things that were relative to God's disciplining but seldom considering the source of the adversity. That and failing to observe that God has allowed it for growth into Him.
Of Psalm 139, it's been realized that for us to blame some physical person, place, or thing is to walk blindly, and harmful (hurtful) towards others and our relationship with our Heavenly Father in Christ.
my tendency is to get prideful in these things, yet God is working this unbelief out of me slowly but surely. Now, at least, i can rejoice --(like jump and shout for real, and others think it's kinda' crazy)-- in whatever adversity and not ask God when it's going to end, but rather ask Him and be taught what he is working within.
Humility and anxiety are extreme opposties.
One time not long ago, (i thought) i was thanking God that i am not anxious about so many things that others fret about, that HE had delivered me from so much of that...and He reminded me that i was just like the Pharisee in Lk. 18,9-14 who prays to himself, so it was looked up and what do you know, right after that, Jesus begins talking about letting the children come to Him. It was related to Mt18 eventually through experiences of opposition.
How much of our anxiety is borne of pride, whether it's self- : respect, preservation, dignity, aggrandizement (in prayer?), etc??? This too is harmful, instead of just considering the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, and God who holds dominion over everything that happens.
We are not our own, and the price He paid to enable us to remain a part of His family leaves us in debt both in the happenstances of our personal affairs, and in the good work He designed for us in reconciling others to Him.
" BE CAREFUL FOR NOTHING, but in everything by worship and supplication with thankfulness let your request be made known unto God, and the peace which passes all understanding shall stand watch over your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil. 4.6-7
God has shown that it is very difficult to remain anxiety free, even when we think we are. It might not even take much to become so consumed with personal concern(s) that we become oblivious to everyone and everything else. What could be more selfish, unbelieving, and the flipside of that ugly coin called pride.
Yeah, i thought i was thanking God, but he showed me just how free from care i really was. (Actually, just praying that foolishness should have thrown up a red flag and recognize that the very mention of it meant that i was far from free of this.)
"God, why are they persecuting me and i am doing what you have told me to...", and after that, he again said i was praying to myself, that prayer being about what I WAS DOING for Him and not about recognizing the anxiety in me, and the worry, and not letting my guard down just so i would recieve it and become closer to Him in it.
Care, concerns, anxiety, worry are now all signs of failing to depend on Him in Him. A clear warning sign of this is staying busy all the time.
These things stand in opposition to humility, and come through the pride of sustaining ourselves.
It is failure to believe God.
"...all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: thrusting all your care upon him; for he continually-cares for you. " I Peter 5.5b-7
Note it doesn't say cast all your difficulties or opposition or enemies on Him, though the NIV might imply this.
We humble ourselves under the chastening of our great God, and cast our anxiousness on Him. Doing things according to His working His best in us: conforming us to the image of His dear Son.
HE EXALTS us (in due season), and not we ourselves. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
We must pray for one another, lifting His Body above ourselves, and give greater consideration for our enemies own well being than our own.
God highly honors this way. This is what seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness is about: loving-kindness in mercy, standing for what is just, and in death to ourself, walking in His righteousness.
I'm far from there yet; but thank God He's learnin' me. _______________________________________________________
...Ps 116:5 Gracious is the LORD, and righteous, yea, our God is merciful.
--------------------------------------------------------- Yes, in Him alone we find a way that is gracious, righteous, and merciful... ...and we do well learning to be more than just grateful that He takes the time to "rub-off-on-us" no matter what confronting circumstances HE uses to confirm and conform us in Him.
Shalom, g
edited: lack of clarity, incomplete sentences, and spelling errors |