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Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 SOCIETY {The Slippery Slope}

When a society will not submit to
the authority of GOD'S Word or yield
to the sovereignty of GOD; then it
must redefine itself according to
its own terms:

Gay is no longer "happy."
Marriage is not a union of
a man and his wife.
Church is not the "called out
ones" but a place.
Sin is no longer that which is
against GOD'S Will, but a disorder,
a sickness, and problem for some
psychiatrist to fix.

There has been much promises and
talk of reforms. But the only way
to reform a man's heart and change
his life is by the grace of GOD
that brings salvation!!

Martin G. Smith

 2010/8/16 18:44Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: SOCIETY {The Slippery Slope}

'Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...', Psalm 33v12.

'Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people', Proverbs 14v34.

The verses speak for themselves.

God bless.

 2010/8/17 9:42Profile

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