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Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 IndoctriNation Movie

Colin Gunn and his family travel in a big yellow school bus across America shooting a new documentary film that explores the origins of the American education system, the effects of public schools on the Christian family, and the turning of the hearts of parents to their children through home education. See the trailer at the link below:

Or visit their website at:

 2010/8/16 8:02Profile

 Re: IndoctriNation Movie

will take a look

 2010/8/16 22:40

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean


Ill have to watch that one...

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/8/16 23:01Profile

Joined: 2004/5/17
Posts: 235

 Re: IndoctriNation Movie

Thank you for the link.

What an important effort to prayerfully support for those of us with a burden for revival.

May God use this film to "restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers..."


 2010/8/17 6:27Profile

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: IndoctriNation Movie update

"What an important effort to prayerfully support for those of us with a burden for revival."

May many others be willing to support this burdensome effort placed on the heart of Mr. Gunn.

The following is from their website:

Dear Friends,

This film is truly a labor of love, love for the Lord and His church. We want to offer you a great way to partner with us in this culture-changing effort:

The IndoctriNation Backstage Pass.

You will receive:

1. "IndoctriNation" DVD - first run copy, mailed to you before the premiere.

2. "The Monstrous Regiment of Women" - a full-length online version of the award-winning movie.

3. "Shaky Town" - a full-length online version of the award-winning movie.

4. Exclusive uncut footage of all of our interviews, updated throughout the production cycle. These include Samuel Blumenfeld, Doug Phillips, Herb Titus, Gary North, Erwin Lutzer, Ray Moore, David Goetsch, Kevin Swanson, Geoff Botkin, T.C. Pinckney, Martin Selbrede, David d'Escoto, Col. John Eidsmoe, Gary DeMar, Bruce Shortt, Israel Wayne, Joe Morecraft, and others.

5. Access to unique backstage footage, including exclusive videos of producer meetings and behind-the-scenes footage.

6. Access to our online VIP premiere of the film, to be experienced with friends and family as a tool to help stop the indoctrination of Christian children.

ATTENTION HOMESCHOOLERS: The Backstage Pass is an excellent educational resource for students who have an interest in film production and the subject matter of our film.

All this for just $50!

Get your Backstage Pass Today!

Includes a copy of the DVD to be mailed to you before the premiere!

We know that you will be happy with the Backstage Pass and we would be honored to have your support.


The Producers of IndoctriNation
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 2010/8/20 23:38Profile

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