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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : I'll take a cup of sight and three eyeballs please

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Joined: 2010/5/9
Posts: 164

 I'll take a cup of sight and three eyeballs please

With sight comes added responsibility. With sight comes an awareness of the hidden sins people might keep from one who is blind. With sight comes added awareness of the Glory of God’s creation. And with sight comes an added awareness of how small and wicked our heart has become. Do you really want the Lord to open your eyes of faith and spiritual understanding?

The same can be said of our ears, tongues, hands and feet. With God’s enabling we become more effective. But most important of all this “enabling”, might be our heart. We are told that it is out of the overflow of our hearts that our mouth speaks. And if we think of the things our tongues have given life to, we are sobered. And it is with the heart that all things detestable are made manifest. Where our heart is, there our treasure will be also. The Lord also told us that the wicked will honor Him with their lips while their hearts are far from Him. Showing themselves to be wrapped in the lie of ritual. And void of the knowledge of the Living God.

Are you ready to see? Is there preparation you can experience that might cause you to be more able? God is merciful and just. Simply asking Him to let you see might not grant you sight. Perhaps it would be best to ask for a renewed heart. Clean the inside of the dish and the outside will become clean also. To serve the God of all creation is no light matter which can be attained by mere words or weak ritual.

Paul Horton

 2010/8/14 18:06Profile

Joined: 2010/3/2
Posts: 253

 Re: I'll take a cup of sight and three eyeballs please

You're on the right track!

 2010/8/14 18:57Profile

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