I saw this article and found it so ironic that liberal are so offened and threatening because Target gave a donation to a conservative. We need to support Target and send them emails that let them know in America they can support a conservative and other conservatives will still shop with them. Here is the link to the articlehttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/Liberal-groups-push-to-apf-2321043209.html?x=0
Wierd to reply to my own post but I thought of something else. When I went www.target.com to make a comment, I looked at their mission, and places they support. The Salvation Army is listed there. That blessed me. I don't know much about them, but they aren't afraid to post that on their site.
Well, the only reason Target supports the Salvation Army is because the Salvation Army cried foul a few years ago when Target had banned the Salvation Army from making solicitations in front of their store. I worked at Target at the time, and the logic was this: We don't allow anybody else to solicite in front of our stores, so why should we allow the Salvation Army? This issue only had arisen because the Girl Scouts had sued Target for discrimination, as the Girl Scouts were not allowed to solicit shoppers for their money as they walked in/out of the stores. Well, when the Salvation Army cried foul about it, Walmart used that as a chance to position themselves against Target, and they formed an aggressive marketing campaign basically slapping Target around and making the company look bad. So, to save their skin and to keep sales from being further impacted, Target decided to put the Salvation Army on their donors list, and now Target gives annually more money to the Salvation Army than the Salvation Army would've made through their bell ringers. It was an interesting thing to see. When I worked at Target, people would come in the store and tell us since Target had banned the Salvation Army from their store, they would no longer shop there anymore. It was really quite a fuss.So, I'm not so sure if your heart should be strangely warmed over Target's decision to donoate money to the Salvation Army, or any other charity for that matter. Be sure that whatever they give, they are doing it not as a good neighbor, but as business people out to make a buck, and increase the share value of their stock price. Publicly traded companies NEVER give just to be a good neighbor. Their giving is always to get, and to boost their revenue for the sake of the shareholders. Sorry to burst your bubble. But I just thought you should know the realities of it all :-)
_________________Jimmy H
I realize on some Christian boards that this sort of thing will be attacked, but I do think some people making decisions out at Target are motivated by being a good neighbor. I am not as cynical as Jimmy.And, I might add, I don't believe it is wrong to give to get.All of that to say, write Target and thank them for supporting these types of causes. Many Christians moan when some liberal cause is supported and then when some Christian cause is supported we moan again.
I have no bubble to be burst, I just think when someone supports a good cause, it is better than a bad cause.