Hey guys my first order of pocket testament bibles should be arriving any day im interested in the comments im going 2 get what has been your experience i cant wait GOD IS GOOD THIS WILL BE GOOD !
Hello dougm,I have handed out many books of John and have never had any rejection. I hope they ministered to the recipient. I own a restaurant and have a customer that is a Gideon. He puts a new testament on the table with the tip in it all the time. While I see his heart in this, I see my waitresses just leave them here and there. I think that giving of the word is more effectual if it has a little love added to it. Concern for the person's life, asking about them, can I pray for you, etc. To give bibles them in a disconnected way will not reap the harvest you are looking for. But if you pray first, then approach a person and share a bit of your testimony, and show concern for that person's life, you can then give them the word and have a better chance they won't toss it under the counter. This is not to discourage you, but to say that people aren't looking for books, no disrespect to the word intended, but Jesus with flesh on. People are dying for someone to care, really care. Love looks like something.