On August 21-22 Mark Cahill will be speaking at the Fraser Road Church of God in Kawkawlin, Michigan. Mark is bold, courageous, anointed, and a true prophet who confronts today's modern day soft gospel. If you can attend, please consider attending. If you would like more info either go to Mark Cahill's website or fraserroad.com. This could change you for eternity!!!
_________________Rick Webb
thank you for making me aware of this brother, exhorter. i like him..y'know, when i say "i like him' that might sound superficial, but its anything but. it means i like his spirit, and the Deep Things of God that he hones in on, and the way he does it.nice turn on, God bless you, neilMark Cahillhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7XufYOEtcw
Wish I lived in America, I'd love to hear some of these men in person.
Rick Webb, God bless you beloved. I just love Mark Cahill's heart for Jesus, and the way he expounds and witness's Jesus.There is something very winsome and authentic ...oh yes, It's Jesus in Mark's way of speaking, and peer to peer relational witnessing of Christ crucified.again, thank you brother, in Jesus' love, neil
Mark Cahill's book "One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven" is a must read for those wanting to learn one to one evangelism. You can get one for free through his website if you are struggling financially. markcahill.org