Does anyone have any suggestions on how to witness to lost relatives and/or parents, siblings? I've been kind of lost in this area as of late. Perhaps even testimonies too of how your siblings got saved!Thank you!
Love.Seriously. Love on them. If you have already talked to them about the Lord, time and time again, it is now time to just love on them. They know how you feel and what you believe, now show them how Jesus loves!Love them. Don't accept sin, but love them as Jesus would love them.Blessings!
Please listen to Paul Washer sermons which covers this aspect in various of his sermons
Thanks Michelle for opening this topic as its been my burden too to share with my relatives about Christ...I wud like to share a few words on this.It will strengthen me too...My elder sister was the first person to accept Christ in my family.I saw how she repented with tears for her sins(crying unconsolably in the backyard of the church)and how she restituted to our neighbours and wrote forgiveness letters to teachers with whom she had to set right.Witnessing these touched me more than the messages she used to share with me. Those were the most cherishable days.
Miccah's right, love on them! It took me 13 years to win my favorite cousin to Christ! It was 13 years of a labor of love. She was the only cousin that I was really close to. I would say that connection alone allowed me entrance into her life that I didn't have (and still don't have) with my other cousins; if that makes sense.I have one older sister and she was praying for me (and my cousin) long before I got saved!! We've been blessed as a family to have had praying grandparents on both sides. Most families don't have that, my cousin didn't. She only had the one grandparents that we had in common and her other side was and still is a doozy! She finally won her sister (my other cousin) to the Lord and that took years too.It's a labor of love because you never give up on them!God bless,Lisa
Thank you all for your responses.I have moved recently farther away from my family, so the endeavour to love on them still has been more difficult. And has taken some more imagination! Visiting times and times on the phone have been more meaningful.Lysa i'm glad but not glad at the same time that it has taken 13 years for your cousin. It's been near 8 years since i've been saved, so far my family still thinks I'm weird. :p But I have seen some attitudes change that I am not just in a cult anymore but am really seeking to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. So praise Him for this, that their hearts have been softened some. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.
Muller,I can't find any washer videos pertaining to lost relatives. Can you remember what they were called perhaps? Found one about a wife ministering to a lost husband, which some of the same principles could be applied perhaps. However, I was looking for practical things as well.Thanks,Michelle
Just be Jesus with skin on. If they are moving lend a hand, washing dishes, jump in there, babysit for them ungrudginly. If they have a real need, meet it. Do unto them as you would have them do unto you. Nobody has time for anybody these days, and when you inconvenience yourself for someone else it stands out in stark contrast to the world around you. Spend time with them, make them dinner, take them out to lunch, you pay, often.Then the hard part, forget about what you did. Don't pat yourself on the back. Give God the praise and glory. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand it doing. If you toot your horn to others, you have your reward. When you do selfless acts of love worked out in acts of service it will go a long way in speaking Jesus to them, oh and do it in a spirit of joy and peace. True love doesn't grow weary of doing good. This biggest, most important thing, pray, pray, prayP = prayU = untilS = somethingH = happenspray without ceasing for their hearts to be softened, pray for other laborers to sent into their harvest, pray that they will get revelations of Jesus, heaven, and hell in dreams and visions. Pray that everything they come in contact with will speak to them, TV, billboards, books, radio, music, news, friends, etc..... Pray the Holy Spirit will convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment. Pray their eyes will be opened and their ears unstopped. Pray that their hearts will be softened. Don't grow weary in well doing, because in due season you will reap a harvest if you do not faint.