Have just been lent a marvellous book by FB Meyer. So far I've just read the first few chapters, but already have come across some real gems from this book, and would like to share them.Here's a great quote which expands upon that wonderful confession of the apostle Paul's about how Christ's strength is made perfect in our weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 "It is necessary that God should have room in which to work: emptiness to receive him; weakness to be empowered by him. It is unto the empty branch that the vine sap pours; to the hollowed basin that the water flows. The weakness of the child gives scope for the man's strength. The need of the countless multitudes that thronged Christ's earthly life gave him opportunity for the working of his miracles and the putting forth of his power. The lower the platform, the greater the proof of what God can be and do to those who trust him. Take heart therefore, if you can see yourself in any of those that are summoned to your view by the roll call of want and weariness and sin. The prime blessedness of the kingdom of heaven is for the poor in spirit, the persecuted and the tempted, the wandering sheep and the famishing child "In Jesus,John
Here's another one. I had to look up 'lapidary'. Is that still a word that's used today ? :)Anyways, I guess it means : "....an artist or artisan who forms stone, mineral, gemstones, and other suitably durable materials." (Wikipedia)"You must endure the file of the lapidary; the heat of the crucible; the bruising of the flail- not to win your heaven, but to destroy your unheavenliness"In Jesus,John
I love F.B. Meyer. You should try his other books, David, Abraham and many more. Oh wow what treasure is to be gleaned there. Yes lapidary is still used today for the art of stone cutting.
Thanks for letting us know about those other books, Goldminer. Would love to read them, now that I have a taste for his writing ! My mom has always been saying great stuff about his writings and I'm so glad I finally had a chance to check them out. The Lord's heart for his people is sure in them.You said 'what a treasure to be gleaned' (from Meyer's writings) ....sounds like another job for a lapidary (please excuse the bad joke :))In Jesus,John
I downloaded E-Sword for free and then found out that they have a STEP Reader Library, it contains a ton of Christian Classics that you can download for free, F.B. Meyer has quite a few in this collection.
_________________Matthew Guldner
How do we find E-Sword? Thanks for the tip.
You can download E-sword from their websitehttp://www.e-sword.net/then Once you have that downloaded you can follow this link to the step reader download Library http://www.e-sword.net/step.htmlOnce you have E-Sword downloaded it has a tab that says Download in the program if you want to download different translations, commentaries, dictionaries, Devotionals, books, and maps all are free. It has customizable bible reading plans, Scripture Memorization tools, Prayer Request database if you like to write down prayer requests. If you get stuck on how to use any of the things in the program itself they have video tutorials on the website to help guide you in use it. It has been a great blessing to me ever since I downloaded it. Best part about it all is, its all free of charge.