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Alf Member

Joined: 2008/4/11 Posts: 82 Miami, FL
| Study Bible | | guys i wanted some recommendations on a good study Bible, im not interested in theology what i am interested in are facts about history/geography/the times/charts/OT (jewish) customs etc...i like the Life application but i want more history/geography/times/charts etc.
Thank you all ^_^
_________________ Alfredo
2010/8/10 10:31 | Profile |
Heydave Member

Joined: 2008/4/12 Posts: 1306 Hampshire, UK
| Re: Study Bible | | The Chronological study Bible by thomas Nelson may fit what you are looking for. We have the NKJV and it has a lot of history and timelines. It is a bit over the place in layout because it is in Chronological order, so you it's OK along side a normal bible.
Also the Lion Atlas of Bible History is good, although not a bible. _________________ Dave
2010/8/10 11:20 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | I would recommend getting a resource book seperately that gives you all these facts like: "Halleys bible commentary" or other ones and just have the word of God with cross references separate.
I find many study bibles distracting from mediating purely on God's word. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2010/8/10 11:28 | Profile |
Alf Member

Joined: 2008/4/11 Posts: 82 Miami, FL
| Re: | | yeah i like this idea of getting a separate commentary, i looked up halleys and it looks very nice, i also like the atlas one.
i also find it a bit distracting and hard to carry around a study Bible. Thank u both, may the Lord bless u for ure advise _________________ Alfredo
2010/8/10 11:32 | Profile |
Areadymind Member

Joined: 2009/5/15 Posts: 1042 Pacific Ocean
| Re: | | "I would recommend getting a resource book seperately that gives you all these facts like: "Halleys bible commentary" or other ones and just have the word of God with cross references separate."
I second that. Halleys is the source I go to more than any other source for information. Every study Bible I have picked up, I almost always end up saying, "Well that is wrong," at some quick juncture when reading their outlines and conclusions.
If you can find an Older version of the book I also recommend that, as I have read somewhere that the modern publishers took a section out of the book that I am sure probably made Halley roll over in his grave when done. _________________ Jeremiah Dusenberry
2010/8/10 11:35 | Profile |
Alf Member

Joined: 2008/4/11 Posts: 82 Miami, FL
| Re: | | yeah Halleys commentary is very nice, i will call Rare Christian books so im sure jack can get me the older edition.
A thing to keep in mind is that i am very fascinated by history and biographies/customs...theology is a dime a dozen today (not that its all bad, cause its not) but a man that lives a secret life [of prayer/devotion] with God will be taught by His Spirit (grounded in the word, off course) and the men God strategically places in his life to mentor and mold him. But thats just me ;-)
edit: and off course the good advise of fellow brother and sisters hehe.
_________________ Alfredo
2010/8/10 11:46 | Profile |
KingJimmy Member

Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Re: Study Bible | | Even though it is NIV, I'd recommend:
Archaeological Study Bible, Personal Size: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture
Almost every other page in it describes some sort of historical/archaelogical information related to the text you are reading. It was put together by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Great stuff. _________________ Jimmy H
2010/8/10 12:52 | Profile |
TaylorOtwell Member

Joined: 2006/6/19 Posts: 927 Arkansas
| Re: | | The ESV Study Bible has some good historical information. _________________ Taylor Otwell
2010/8/10 14:02 | Profile |
mguldner Member

Joined: 2009/12/4 Posts: 1862 Kansas
| Re: Study Bible | | I would maybe look at E-Sword its a free bible program for a computer, it offers quite a bit of information and historical stuff that I haven't gotten to indepth with but it has many different things that can be added different translations, commentaries, etc the best part is a great deal of it is free. The only things that aren't free are due to Copyright laws and the Publishers not releasing the version for use.
Within the program is a tab that says Downloads, go to that tab and it will take you to the website where the commentaries, translations, devotionals, Maps, Timelines, etc. This program is the most cost effective that I have found and very handy to have.
It also has a books that are free to download, one of which I know focuses on the Jewish Culture and traditions. If this isn't what you are looking for its still worth the download unless you already have something on your computer that you enjoy using. _________________ Matthew Guldner
2010/8/12 22:09 | Profile |