No offense to you all but isn't it quick to assume this individuals agenda is to destroy or divide? Looking at how most people operate that are rational we all are looking for some kind of truth some of us are misinformed or have our thinking mixed up and confused. So anyone who hasn't been mixed up theological please cast the first stone. :) I say this in much love for you all that the truth will be revealed and presented through you but without Love you are a resounded gong. Being quick to judge the intent of this man's heart is definitely not our place so unless the Lord Himself has told you or Mick has told you his intent is to destroy and divide you then I wouldn't jump to that quick of a conclusion. Mick maybe a drive by poster or a one hit poster but we can't assume that, what if he isn't and then comes back to see the things you have all posted about him with him unable to explain or defend himself? Would you enjoy that being doing or said about you? I know I wouldn't. I am not saying this to be holier than thou but to try and point to a better option then casting theology and verbal tongue lashings for this man. Just because I disagree with him doesn't mean my love for him changes. God Bless,Matthew
_________________Matthew Guldner
See. It's working already.
Hey Matthew,Normally, I'm right there with you brother... defending the innocent! I don't know if you followed his link or not but I did and it was created and posted by a "christianissues" on youtube and I think they are one in the same but that doesn't mean I hate him by revealing this. On to the next question... Have you ever debated with people on youtube? Wow! It's much worse (x 100) than here on sermonindex, I have debated with many who put up that proganda against the gifts in operation today and it's exhausting, so I've stopped! I'm just saying, a person doesn't create "those kinds" of videos on youtube unless they WANT to debate their point and since christianissues is new here, I believe he posted this to see how well it would be received - to test the waters so to speak! To see if we needed him to show us the way!! (wink wink)But I do encourage you to follow his link and read his responses to those who disagree with him; and you too, might come to the conclusion that he's NOT "misinformed" or mixed up theologically!! I think he knows what he's doing! Again, just sayin'....God bless you Matthew!!! If I'm going down the wrong road, I will not hesitate to repent or apologize.Lysa(edited for clarity)
I understand what you are saying. I have debated on youtube and other like sites and I have found they get no where, whether we want to admit this or not it gets the same way here on SI with the debating. Everyone has an opinion and most would like to put it out there unfortnately these debates are unprofittable a good portion of the time because when it comes to knowledge and ones opinion Pride generally gets puffed up. My only warning is to not be so quick to judge a complete stranger, new thing the Lord is working with me on (crazy concept eh?:) I use to be quick to "defend the truth" but the truth can stand on its own and doesn't need me to help it stand. I now try to strive to understand why someone believes a certian way they believe that way for a reason and if you can figure it out then you can at least understand why they think such ways, maybe Mick had a poor experience with Tongues and the gifts and could use a person that can help remove the improper thinking he has developed. I love this site and the people on it I have grown a lot from the fellowship I have received, if I have over stepped my bounds then I will gladly repent. :) God Bless,Matthew
, maybe Mick had a poor experience with Tongues and the gifts
_________________Sandra Miller
ginnyrose wrote:Perhaps a good post would be that would inform the readers on how one can discern between the counterfeit and the genuine. The counterfeits appear in many places: the cults, the churches...
mguldner wrote:I use to be quick to "defend the truth" but the truth can stand on its own and doesn't need me to help it stand.
Lysa,Thanks for the link to t Keen Papers.They are now PDF's on desktop and so far what's been read is quite good.Shalom,g