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Joined: 2007/10/28
Posts: 1232
United States

 Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation

Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation By Alan Martin

In studying Matthew 24:9, I began to see the relationship of two very similar Greek words that led to a greater understanding of why our Lord said "...and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." The Greek word for "nation" is ἔθνος - the English word ethnic is a derivative of this. While reading I noted how similar ἔθνος was to the related word ἔθος. The two English words translated from the Greek are equally similar - Ethnic and Ethic. In both cases the difference is merely one letter. An Ethnic group is formed from the Ethics that particular group has developed over time.

The relationship between an Ethnic group and the Ethic that bonds it together sheds light as to why we should expect to be "hated of all Ethnic groups." The Greek word ἔθος and the English word Ethic have the same meaning - "a custom, an institute, a standard." Ethnic groups are formed by the common Ethics (rules, standards, or customs) that they have developed. The Webster New World Dictionary defines an Ethnic group as -"a basic division or group of mankind distinguished by customs, characteristics, and language." Another way to think of an Ethic is as an unwritten rule so commonly experienced that it has come to be seen as NORMAL. Ethnic groups are very defensive about things they believe to be NORMAL. Jesus understood the pride men have in their heritage and culture and sought to forewarn His disciples that His message was bound to conflict with every Ethnic group that existed on earth. His disciples would never be considered NORMAL by any Ethnic group!

The unwritten law shared by every Ethnic group is - "conformity." This is what makes someone a "good old boy"! The "good old boy" is a person who gets along with everyone, doesn't rock the boat and helps maintain the status quo- he's NORMAL. This is why disciples of Christ will face unavoidable trouble. Jesus called His disciples "out of the world" and they will never be "good old boys." The disciples of Jesus Christ will always strangers and aliens to every Ethnic group - they will never be accepted as NORMAL. Only those who accept the message and reject their own ETHIC will ever view a disciple as a BROTHER - family.

Violating the unwritten law of conformity will make every true disciple of Christ - "criminal." How can a disciple of Christ ever be a "good old boy" when they consider the traditions handed down to them by their fathers to be "worthless?" Those who go against the culture and way of life where they live are called "traitors." All of the disciples of Jesus were considered "criminals" for disturbing the peace of the status quo and for advocating a different custom and way of life. The message of the cross is foolishness to some Ethnic groups and offensive to many others.

Jesus called men's ethics "EVIL!" This is why He was hated by His own people. He was a non-conformist. Those who will not conform to the unwritten law of "normal" will always be viewed as "trouble makers." Jesus knew His message would cause division in every home and in every culture. His heavenly message contradicts every earthly ethnic group ever formed past and present.

There is no possibility for a true disciple to ever be "one" with the world. We must live in the world, but we will always be strangers and aliens to every ethnic group - even our own family. In Genesis God called Abram "out" of Ur, "out" of his people, and "out" of his father's house. In Revelation God is still calling His people "out" - "come out of her my people, partake not of her sins." The reason that Jesus was hated by those in the world was that He was not ONE of them and His message contradicted their own ethics. In His prayer to the Father, Jesus acknowledged that the world hated His disciples simply because they were not of the world any more than He was of the world.

In counting the cost of discipleship, we need to recognize that our identity with Christ is an open declaration that we are NOT OF THE WORLD. What men consider "normal" we confess with Christ to be EVIL! For this reason, a disciple will be hated by every Ethnic group he is sent to. Individuals who accept the gospel and come out of their own people will cease their hatred because they have crossed over from death to life and love the brothers. Those who defend their ethics and ethnicity will always hate the disciples of Christ.

I hope this helps us to understand why Jesus warned that we would be hated by all "nations" (Ethnic groups). We will never be NORMAL. We must never conform to the pattern (ethics) of this world. We will be strangers to every culture and aliens to every ethnic group. The gospel of Christ is a threat to the status quo of every ethnicity and those who live by the teachings of Christ will always be traitors in the eyes of the world.


 2010/8/5 12:01Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation

Jesus promised His disciples and followers
would experience tribulations. Paul went
through hardships and sufferings but counted
it all loss to gain Christ. The faithful
few are those who are willing to forsake
all for the kingdom, purpose, and will of

Martin G. Smith

 2010/8/10 18:28Profile

 Re: Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation

How very true.

 2010/8/10 18:59

Joined: 2010/6/29
Posts: 156
SK Canada


We will never be NORMAL

This made me smile, but you are so right :)

We are experiencing what you describe right now and it's not funny, but we rejoice that we are recognized as followers of Jesus, 1Pe 4:16.

 2010/8/11 0:00Profile

Joined: 2010/2/16
Posts: 30
Yorkshire, England

 Re: Normal

Thoughts turn to Watchman Nee and the Normal Christian Life - God's normality is certainly not what is accepted by everyone else as normal.

This article is very helpful and a blessing the truth it contains is shown in experience - when becoming a Christian in youth we were taught to expect persecution at school, at home and at work, to help us on our way we had a old hym, you may well know it, the chorus is:

Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known.

This stayed with me throughout life and prove to be of comfort on many occasions when in the eyes of others taking a stand was not "normal" - but it did, thank God, produce results for His glory.

God bless you all.


Terry Smith

 2010/8/11 6:46Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation

Powerful article, Michelle.

The principles taught in this article have far reaching implications.

As I read it I was reminded how we used to read "Dear Abby" or "Ann Landers" as I was growing up. Everyone who got a newspaper read these ladies' advice articles. What they said shaped our way of thinking. Preachers and other learned persons quoted them.

As time went on, I felt convicted about reading Dear Abby and quit for the same reasons I will not read horoscopes.

The lit we read has a profound impact on how we think, how we do things, want things, how we want to dress, how we relate to people. The end result is that to do otherwise will invite the scorn, ridicule of worldly minded folk, even Christians.

Thanks for posting it. I needed it. It encouraged me.


Sandra Miller

 2010/8/11 7:27Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation

This is spot on. I believe the pressure is rising around the world for Christians to be Christian and come out from amoung them and be separate.

I am copying this message to my entire email address book and putting a copy in my bible for a future reminder and if I can posting it to facebook.

Thanks for this.


 2010/8/11 8:44Profile

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean

 Re: Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation

This was a helpful, and insightful read. Thank you for posting it.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/8/11 9:51Profile

Joined: 2007/1/28
Posts: 38
Black Mountain,N.C

 Re: Understanding the Inevitability of Tribulation



 2010/8/11 11:17Profile

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