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Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean

 Humility vs Pride - Gerhard Du Tois

It is only 10 minutes long. Please listen, if we all heeded this, each and every Christian...I cannot imagine how this earth would shake.

There is more value per second in this sermon than probably most sermons we have ever heard in our lives.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/8/2 13:01Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Humility vs Pride - Gerhard Du Tois

here is a transcript also, I actually printed this out and i carry it in one of my bibles, it is worthy of rading/listening many many times, even until it is true in our lives.


 2010/8/2 13:29Profile

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean


I hope you do not mind if I do the same brother Christian.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/8/2 14:34Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


no , i would encourage all to do so :) also a brother made these "points" to simplify the sum of what is being said


[b]“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted…” -Psalm 34:18[/b]

• When God has given me a broken heart, I’m overwhelmed with a sense of my own spiritual need.
• When I live a broken Christian life, there is a spirit of compassion about my life because I can forgive much because I know how much I have been forgiven. I always esteem others better than myself.
• When I serve God with a broken heart, I have a dependant spirit and I recognize my need for others.
• When I serve God with a broken life, I’ve learned the secret of denying myself.
• When my heart is broken before God, I have a motivation to serve others. I’m motivated to be faithful before God, and to make others a success.
• When my heart is broken before God, I have a deep desire to promote other believers. I have a sense of my own unworthiness. And I’m so thrilled that God would use me in any kind of a ministry or any kind of a fellowship. I’m always eager for others to get the credit.
• When my heart is broken, I rejoice when others are lifted up and I never defend myself.
• When my heart is broken before God, I have a heart attitude that says, “I do not deserve to be part of this fellowship. I know that I’ve got nothing to offer God, except the life of Christ that is flowing through my broken life.”
• When I’m broken before God, I’m so humiliated by how much more I have to learn. I’m not concerned about the self-life. I’m willing to take risks to become vulnerable, and to be close to others, and to open my life to love other people.
• When I serve God with a broken heart, I always take personal responsibility and I can see where I have done wrong in any kind of a situation.
• When I’m broken before God I always receive criticism with a humble and with an open spirit. I'm concerned about being real. And what they care about and what matters to those who are broken, is not what others think, but it’s what God knows about them. And I’m willing to die to my own reputation.
• When I live a broken Christian life, I’m willing to be open and transparent with others, as God will direct me.
• When I’m broken before God, I don’t care who knows or who finds out about me. I am willing to be exposed because I have nothing to lose in my relationship with God.
• When I serve God with a broken heart, I’m always quick to admit my failures, and I want to seek forgiveness whenever it is necessary.
• When I live a broken Christian life, and I’m under the conviction of God’s Spirit, I’m able to acknowledge the specifics about my sin. I’m grieved over the cause of my sin, and I’m grieved over the root of my sin.
• When I’m broken before God, I truly and genuinely repent over my sin, and the evidence in the fact is that I want to forsake that sin.
• When I live a broken Christian life, I want to take the initiative to be reconciled when there has been a misunderstanding, or a conflict in any kind of a relationship. I want to race to the cross, I want to see if I can get there first no matter how wrong the other person may have been.
• When I’m broken before God, I compare myself with the holiness of God. I sense the desperate need of the mercy and the grace of God. I always want to walk in the light.
• When I serve God with a broken spirit, I realize that I have a need of a consistent cleansing of heart and repentance.
• When I’m broken before God, I continually sense my need for a fresh encounter with God the Holy Spirit.


[b]“God opposes the proud…” –James 4:6[/b]

• When there is pride in my life as a Christian, I always focus on the failures of other Christians and other fellowships.
• When there is pride in my life, I’ve got a very self-righteous spirit, I’ve got a critical spirit, I have a fault finding spirit, and I look at everyone else’s faults through the microscope, but I always look at my own faults through the telescope and I always look down upon the lives of other people.
• When there is pride in my life, I have an independent and a self-sufficient spirit. I’m protective of my time. I try to protect my reputation and my rights as a Christian, and I focus on the deficiencies of other Christians.
• When there is pride in my life, I want to be served by other Christians. I’ve got a desire to be successful. I want to advance the self-life.
• When there is the sin of pride in my life, I’ve got this drive, I want to be appreciated, I want to be recognized. I’m offended and I’m wounded when other Christians are promoted, and I have been overlooked, because of what I have done.
• When there is pride in my life, I’ve got this inner attitude, and this is what I say: “This fellowship is very privileged to have me and my gifts.” And all I think as what I can do for God.
• When there is pride in my life, I’m confident, about how much I’ve learned of the Scriptures, and how far I have gone in my relationship with God.
• When there is pride in my life, I always keep people at a distance.
• When there is pride in my life, I want to blame other people.
• When there is pride in my life, I’m unapproachable.
• When there is pride in my life, I’m defensive when I’m criticized by other Christians.
• When there is the sin of pride in my life, I’m so concerned to be respectable, I’m concerned about what other people think of me, and I try to protect my image and my reputation.
• When there is pride in my life, I find it very difficult to share my spiritual needs.
• When there is the sin of pride, I wanna be sure that no one else finds out that I have sinned. And I try to cover up sin. And I have this instinct to try not to reveal it.
• When there is pride in my life, I always want to make sure that no one else finds out when I have sinned, and I try to cover it up. And I find it very, very difficult to say, “You know, I'm wrong, will you please forgive me?”
• When there is pride in my life, I’m concerned about the consequences of my sin, I’m remorseful over my sin, simply because I’ve been caught, that I have sinned before God and sinned before man.
• When there is pride in my life, I always wait for others to come and ask for forgiveness, when there is a misunderstanding or a conflict, in my relationship with God.
• When there is pride in my life, I try to compare myself with other Christians, and other believers and other fellowships. And I always think that I’m better than them.
• When there is pride in my life, I’m blind. I become blind to my own heart condition.
• When there is pride in my life, I don’t think that there is anything in my life that I need to repent of. I don’t think that I need revival. Oh but I’m so sure that everyone else needs revival in my relationship with God.


 2010/8/2 14:38Profile

 Re: Humility vs Pride - Gerhard Du Tois

this is very good. i listened, prayerfully, and say and ask, God please burn this into my heart, brand my heart with such attributes......but saints, i dont have to tell anyone of you this fact,

get broken is rough territory indeed.

neccesary steps, like a night at Getheseme and a walk to Golgotha.

 2010/8/2 14:57

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean


As i have been listening and praying through this message, I was struck by how timeless this exhortation is. Truly this is eternal. When we talk about people majoring on the minors, we often fail to recognize those who have majored on the majors. This is major league. This gets straight to the heart of everything the Bible speaks of. This is transformed life.

No human being, apart from the life of God in them, could ever make such an exhortation. Godly humility like Gerhard speaks of here is truly one of the most major delineations between true Christianity and all other Babylonian religion. We ought not make light of humility, neither should we joke about it. We should not act as if humility is untouchable, but have hope in Christ that he can, through His life in us, perform this. Heaven and Hell hang in the balance...

If we are blind to this, honesty with God about it may pry open our clamped eyes. If this seems impossible, may the Spirit convict our hearts. May we listen, and look inside ourselves, not outside to others. The maw of hell would writhe and scream to be filled would we all be broken before God as a church like Brother Gerhard says here. .

All revival is a recovery of a cool garden walk with God. Nothing prevents that or hinders it more than pride (it was the woman you gave me God.) I have to say that I think this is probably [one of] the most revival oriented sermons I have heard on this website...

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/8/2 17:06Profile

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean


Sry, I would like to bump this for those who get on later in the afternoon. (west coast time anyway)

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/8/2 22:39Profile

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