Thank you for the continued prayers. I have also recently been approached by an elder in my church who is attempting to plant a church near one of the university's in our area. He's asked some for my help. Seems like the Lord is opening doors all around.For now, I've decided to put off doing any sort of local conference. I just didn't feel like there was a green light from the Lord to do that right now.
_________________Jimmy H
Good news: My pastor called me today to tell me that he was going to talk to several area churches affiliated with our denomination about having me as a guest speaker. He says there are about 6 or 7 that are small churches, and are often in great need of somebody to fill in from time to time when the pastor goes on vacation, or has some other need come up.
You could probably come to my church it seems almost every other week we have a guest speaker or missionary especially here lately. :) I am doing my internship and so I have to do a certian amount of preaching from the pulpit. One time I was assigned the Topic of Tithing (which I was currently doing a great amount of research on) and instead of talking about that we ought to tithe I talked about how we ought to tithe if we should choose to tithe.
_________________Matthew Guldner
Well mguldner, if you guys wanna buy me an airplane ticket and give me a place to stay, I'll consider it :-)