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Broken Bread

Daily Devotions from the Daily Light
by Evan Hopkins

July 17

Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.--Exod. 19:6

Israel was at once a royal and a priestly race--they were both priests and kings. "there is no doubt," says Archbishop Leighton, "that this kingly priesthood is the common dignity of all believers: this honor have all the saints. They are kings, have victory and dominion given them over the powers of darkness and the lusts of their own hearts, that held them captive and domineered over them before. . . . Now this is the benefit of recieving the kingdom of Christ into a man's heart, that it makes him a king himself. All the subjects of Christ are kings, not only in regard of that pure crown of glory they hope for, and shall certainly attain, but, in the present, they have a kingdom which is the pledge of that other, overcoming the world, and Satan, and themselves, by the power of faith. And so they 'are brought near unto God, and have access to the throne of his grace' (Heb. 10:21, 22). They resemble in their spiritual state, the legal priesthood very clearly--(1) in their consecration; (2) in their service; and (3) in their laws of living."

 2010/7/16 17:57

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