Broken BreadDaily Devotions from the Daily Lightby Evan HopkinsJuly 15Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.--Matt. 6:10These words direct our thoughts to the obedience of angels. They are set before us as our pattern. The obedience of angels is in humility and perfect submission. The vision of the prophet Isaiah had of the divine glory revealed the seraphim in the beauty of their reverential submission to the divine will. "Each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly" (Isa. 6:2). We observe that, while two wings were used for action, four were needed as a covering. Without a deep sense of unworthiness we cannot fulfill the Lord's commands. Perhaps, in these days, it may be especially needful to remind ourselves that a reverential attitude of soul can alone become those who stand in the presence of the infinitely Holy One, the Lord of Hosts--our faces must be covered; and that, when we think of the imperfection of even our best service, our feet need to be covered. God's will is done in heaven reverentially, humbly, and promptly.