"When we see Him, we shall be like Him..." Now what does that mean? Big Jim gave an awesome answer. He said, "Don't give me any of that 'fear hell or else gospel, I have no use for it." Then he said, "Jesus IS Love. That's why when you see Him, you'll be like Him." In other words, I think he was saying, when we see the nail prints, we'll know the magnitude of His LOVE. Because of the great amount of Love towards us, we would be changed- not out of fear. The Love of God keeps Christians. Not fear of death/ torment. Our preaching should be thus. Of the Spirit and not of force. What you use to get people in, you will have to keep using to keep them in. 'Better to use the Gospel of No Condemnation and let the Holy Spirit keep His own children.
Quote: 'Better to use the Gospel of No Condemnation and let the Holy Spirit keep His own children.I don't understand that phrase. Could you explain it for me please?Thanks.
hi, now there is therefor no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believe INTO (greek ens) Him should have Zoe everlasting life.jimp eg big jim
Zoe?Doesn't John 3v16 also include, 'should not perish'?
hi, yes it does...