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Joined: 2006/8/24
Posts: 98

 MOST SHOCKING VIDEO - False spirits Invade


A mini-documentary less than 4 mins long that shows actual proof of "Kundalini"-type spirits invading the church. Truly shocking footage - but so necessary for the church to see. Here is the link-

 2010/6/29 19:50Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: MOST SHOCKING VIDEO - False spirits Invade

I encourage everyone to watch this video, it really shows the plain correlation between demonic activity. Oh that the Church would wake up to these things. The devil is duping a amusement frenzied generation with a feel good counterfeit! Oh saints awake!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2010/6/29 20:54Profile

 Re: MOST SHOCKING VIDEO - False spirits Invade

As I have said all along, the Catholic mystics were but an extension of these demonic KUNDALINI activities, and absorbed them with from Rome with Christian terminology. It is the Xerox copy of the same Satanic practice as was practiced for seen in IHOP, and Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner's fellowship and the Roman Catholic monasteries of today...[ NAR included..]

Madame Guyon and others were never born again, but practiced the exact same Transcendental Meditative Practices as the East..[ Hindi/ Buddhist/
Sikh ] has been accepted as the Norm, and it is demonic and evil. Strom is right on this one, and I applaud him.

This is turning into the perfect storm.....but I will say this. The Lord has shown me that they will get no where. He has chosen a bride that cannot be deceived.

 2010/6/29 22:15

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean

 Re: MOST SHOCKING VIDEO - False spirits Invade

Intense video brother Andrew.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/6/29 22:39Profile

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Praying for you Brothertom.


 2010/6/29 23:33Profile

Joined: 2006/8/24
Posts: 98


Thankyou!! Yes - it is an "intense" video - but I wish we could have made it even more intense!

 2010/6/30 1:58Profile

 Re: Kundalini and convergence.

The key word for today is CONVERGENCE...which is essentially a streaming of New age Christianity into one fist.

The NAR, The Prophetic Movement; Rick Joyner,The Prayer Movement; IHOP, YWAM, the Church Planting movement,the semi-gospel of the emergent church [ Rick Warren is an icon ], social activism..[ The Call, and Lou Engle..] etc. all converging to command the 7 mountains of influence to dominate the world for Christ.

[ Mike Bickle, according to Todd Bentley, is appearing this weekend at Rick Joyner's conference; Todd Bentley and Bob Jones are masters at the art of Kundalini Power; Bentley's headlining...[ Bob Jones recently appeared there also...].

Joyner's NAR and political connections [ and strong connections to the RCC..] are tied in with Sarah Palin, who is ultimately connected with Conservative Politics, [Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly] which tie in with business figures and lots of cash to achieve their vision of a balanced world for Christ....

All of this is being mainstreamed and legitimized by conservative mainstream figures such as Sarah Palin, and a flurry of successful Pastors and teachers , too numerous to name. It is Christian Nationalism forming before our eyes. Todd Bentley is negotiating with Oprah Winfrey for a television reality show about healing. Kundalini Tube![ not finalized]

The Herescope Blogspot has the most extensive reference to this topic available, with scores of endnotes, videos and documentation. [ scroll down the articles ].

We are watching the great falling away unite before our eyes...and these are major players. [ see also; He speaks of IHOP's role as the prayer foundation of this convergence.]

The Kundalini is the manifest power of their prophets. Who knows how strong it may become? It is really happening. Sometimes I have to pinch myself....

 2010/6/30 6:19

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England


It is a bizarre and shocking video.

Makes the need for revival all the more urgent.

 2010/6/30 6:35Profile

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean


Andrew, do you know if any of these big headliners have actually started using the term "kundalini" in any of their meetings? I thought I had seen a video clip once where they did. It might have just been a caption on the video though.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/6/30 9:15Profile

Joined: 2007/10/28
Posts: 1232
United States


Why do you say that Madame Guyon was never born again??


 2010/6/30 9:18Profile

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