It is so helpful to hear that God has someones attention. Hunger for God is so hard to find in this day. So many are satisfied with a taste and they are wasting away spiritually while they are feasting carnally. Be after God for He is seeking such hearts that He may fill.
Hi all.PJ I was just wondering what exactly you meant by 'putting aside' a certain number of days to seek the Lord.I think that I am going through a state of personal revival in my life at the moment; basically I don't watch TV, don't listen to/read secular stuff and I am reading my Bible and praying a whole lot more, also singing along to loads of worship music. I feel a fire is beginning to burn.I hope that this doesn't sound like an excuse to boast about my spirituality, and I know that I can't boast about that because I am one of the worst sinners on earth! I am just genuinely unsure about what you meant about putting aside a certain number of days. If you meant the kind of thing which I have been doing, then please let me know!God bless
If well meaning Christian folk would come to realize the fire they speak of that needs to be kept burning is the all consuming Fire of God many would not pray to have it a reality in their life. Shallow and Sad, that disposition. :-(rm
Dear Richard,Not that I have any great discernment, but for what it is worth, I sensed no boasting. I think that there is definitely a careful place called encouragement, and what you shared did that for me. God bless.Rainer
hello just going thru your post. interesting seems to me the play on words faith of Christ,or faith in Christ has nothing to do with your faith or mine because all faith is a gift of the it is all his faith. I am glad to here that you have broken your bondage to sin the only one one that you might have missed is PRIDE.I could be wrong but Paul said who God justifies he sanctifies and i will be looking forward to that day but for me it wont be on this earth.Jesus will present me clean to the Father because of his righteousness not the way the Wycliffe new testament has faith of Christ. Have a great day Free in Christ jeff
_________________jeff ashbridge
Here we go again :-(
Ha!.... thats a good one ormly. :-)
I can definately relate to the spiritual roller coaster lifestyle. Your message was very encouraging and it touched my heart as well as give me insight and a deeper yearning for God. Thank you my brother for your testimony. God bless you!!!
_________________Julio Hernandez
This message has been "stickyed" in the lounge section for 2 years now and God has used it to bring much hunger for Himself! I am retiring it and locking the thread. I do pray that the Lord has had His purposes with the words that brother PJ had to share with us.It will be searchable via: Keep the Fire Burning!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon