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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 MUST HEAR: Self Dies Hard from Alan Redpath

SI Brothers and Sisters,

The Lord has been blessing me through Alan Redpath these past couple days and I feel the Lord wants me to share this with you.

Blessings on you all,


 Self Dies Hard by Alan Redpath

Topic: Death To Self
Scripture(s): Galatians 4

 2010/6/12 18:20Profile

 Re: MUST HEAR: Self Dies Hard from Alan Redpath

The idea that self is to die causes much confusion for those who are seeking holiness. Self is not to die but to be denied Matthew 16:24 Mark 8:34 Luke 9:23.

The idea that self is to die is more in line with Buddhist thought where the normal human desires are to be destroyed through refusing to accept and accomodate them as desire is said to be the root of all suffering. They got it wrong, refusing to accept the concept of sin, as it is the sin nature which is the cause of all suffering and self is neutral. Self serves whatever is ruling within us. If it is sin then self will serve sin and if it is the Holy Spirit self will serve Him and be denied.

It is the old man which is crucified not self Romans 6:6. We still live, we that is self, but if we have the law of life operational in our lives, rather than the law of sin and death, the body of sin is destroyed so that we no longer serve sin. We must serve one or the other, there is no halfway mark and the qualifying part of the covenant on our side is that we turn entirely from any practise of sin which includes doubt fear and lack of trust in God.

Keswick theology of which Alan Redpath was a proponent was weak in this area although there was nothing wrong in the call to repentance. There are only two ways, the way of sin and death and the way of rightousness in which the body of sin is destroyed not subdued. Keswick allows sin so long as it is not deliberate but this is inconsistent with the clearly defined two ways and two laws and two trees in Eden. The blurring of the two is the result of a man wanting to allow himself incomplete submission to Christ who makes all things possible.

Moreover, it must be God who `kills` the old man, we cannot do it no matter how much we reckon him dead. Once he has been killed then it is up to us to keep him dead by reckoning as he can always resurrect himself again. To have him killed all we have to do is to have faith that Christ did it on the cross and that all of our efforts at self improval are in vain but there is something in man that insists on doing something rather than just being something. It is only when self effort ceases that the atonement can be fully operational in us and then we can move on to deny self.



As we are filled by faith in what HE CAN DO, WE THEN MUST GIVE UP ALL WORKS OF THE FLESH in the sphere of religion. All confidence in the flesh all self effort and self struggling, all thoughts that we can succeed if we only try harder must be rooted out and the soul brought into the captivity and subjection of Jesus Christ.

By walking in obedience and by faith we can have confidence that the Holy Spirit will do the work in us and we will trust that we will, through Him have the ability and strength needed to walk in the Spirit, as we yield ourselves up to His Mighty working in us so that ALL we do will be pleasing in the sight of God allowing us to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

 2010/6/13 3:14

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


It is true God killed the old man, but it is equally true that we must, Gal 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Rom 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

1Pe 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

so there are work for us to do as well. I think there is a difference in the "old man" and the "flesh" and often we mistake them and confuse them with each other.


 2010/6/13 3:37Profile

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