Have any of you ever read Victory in Christ by Charles G. Trumbull? http://www.baptistbiblebelievers.com/Books/VictoryInCHRISTbyCharlesGTrumbull/tabid/187/Default.aspx
okay so I'm taking that as a NO. So check out the link and read it. He sort of repeats himself alot though. If any of you read it I'd love to know your thoughts.
This is a great book. I would highly recommend it to anyone.Here is another place to read it online.www.victoryoversin.com/victory.htm
Yes, I think this is an excellent book on developing personal holiness. What I like about him which separates him from many of the others in the holiness movement is that he correctly states that living in holiness (sanctification) is a MOMENT BY MOMENT affair. None of this "second blessing" event after which we walk in sinless perfection.
in Chapter 3 he writes: "Any victory over the power of any sin whatsoever in your life that you have to get by working for it is counterfeit." and "Trying is what we do, and trusting is what we let the Lord do." I needed to hear that. "It's not a matter of temperament or environment; itis a matter of Jesus Christ, and it is His grace that is sufficient." I'm not too good with expressing what God is revealing to me but this is AWESOME!