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 What exactly is God calling for?

I've visited this site, and others, for a number of years now. Throughout the last years of my walk, I've heard the call and message of 'revival' trumpeted all over the country. I've heard people proclaim that God wants to do great things amongst His people. I've seen so many assemblies and conferences revolving around repentance and revival...

But the glaring omission that is missing, is an actual declaration of what exactly God wants from us and wants to do through us in this hour.

The Body of Christ is told to repent, but what exactly do His people need to repent of?

The Body of Christ is told that God wants to restore things. But if that's the case, what are the things which we've walked away from which need to be returned to?

 2010/5/2 13:28

 Re: What exactly is God calling for?

Good Question!

In plain english, God wants one thing from us, our heart.

Spending time with Him all the time.

All this other "stuff" in Christianity are just distractions from the real truth.

Revival for us is really a cry to be filled with the Spirit.

When the called out ones see the Churches condition and the condition of the world, few believers get together and pray for a revival. In other words, what we are praying for is the power to win souls, hence being filled with the Spirit.

Today it's a chore to win souls, we pump and prime the service, we beg people to come down to an alter, a pew, a bedside, where ever and this ought not to be.

The promise is still true today as it was then, they that hunger and thirst after righteousness the same shall be filled.

The message was short and sweet in the early church and no church member asked if people would like to be saved, people came crying to them, "what must we do to be saved".

We the Church need to be filled with the Spirit and the world needs a revival.

 2010/5/2 16:18

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: What exactly is God calling for?

GOD is calling for devoted disciples, faithful
followers, and steadfast servants! HE deserves
our undivided devotion and unreserved commitment.

Martin G. Smith

 2010/5/2 19:18Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 Re: What exactly is God calling for?

I believe the real issue is we as the church have forgotten the beautiful art of discipleship, God won't send the increase of followers if His church doesn't know what to do with them or teach them.

Matthew Guldner

 2010/5/2 21:51Profile

 Re: What exactly is God calling for?


Jesus died to deliver us from the works of the devil and to return us to the state which God intended for us : A state of spiritual stability through oneness with Him, pictured in the OT by those who `walked with God` and who were in communion with Him hearing Him speak to them directly and clearly and seeing Him face to face like Moses, in order for Him to dwell in His temple on earth. Sin stopped this and the only way to be returned is not only to be forgiven for sins and then to return to them but to live holily without which no man will see God. When we have been given a pure heart, there is no more rebellion left towards God and we find we obey Him in absolutely everything. We accept His ownership of us and we act accordingly. There is no more `going out and coming in` we remain with Him with all wanderings ceased.

Unfortunately, in times of a backslidden church, we are not told that we must denounce sin entirely and to walk without sin when we first come for forgiveness and that the power of God enables us to do so, so we inevitably fall from that first love as we begin to tolerate sin or we work for holiness in the flesh, when it is by faith. Inside us we have that longing which God puts in us for holiness, but we listen to men instead who say we will sin as long as we live or who`s definition of sin is rather loose.

Revival is when we see this truth and men repent of their unbelief in not being in the will of God and actually being rebels when they continue to sin, even `unintentional` sin, being therefore in Satan`s kingdom rather than God`s, and pray in desperation to be made holy by the HOLY Spirit.

When men`s eyes are opened to this truth the power of God falls down and the men are quickly sanctified wholly and put right with God. This is what is preached at all true revivals, which sadly we are not seeing today.

There is unfortunately a lack of knowledge in what is expected of us and what sinless perfection really is as most do not expect this until the next life. It does not claim that man will never sin again, his will remains free as he is a free moral agent. But so long as he remains in this state he will not sin, in thought word or deed and he is perfectly restored not only to the state of Adam`s innocence, but to a higher state where he will not fall into sin as Adam did, who did not immediately lose his standing until the Lord had spoken to him, but will be kept by the power of God (Jude 24) and presented faultless . This is the sort of perfection that is spoken in scripture as the partaking of the Divine nature (2Pet.1:4), of one Spirit with the Lord (1Cor 6:17), having come to the new birth (John 3:3), Christ being formed within (Col 1:27), receiving the END of our faith, the salvation of our souls (1Pet 3:21), where God hath from the begining chosen us to salvation through sanctification of the spirit (2Thes 2:13) having been saved through the Spirit baptism the resurrected Christ came to give (1Pet 3:21), wherefore we died to the old sin nature through being baptised into His death (Rom 6:37). Risen and glorified with Him (Rom 8:17), walking in the light whence the blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL sin (1John 1:27), whereas he who sins is of the devil (1John 2:8).


 2010/5/3 2:53


In general, all of these responses are true. But I was hoping to hear things more specific. Whenever the Lord raised up an apostle or prophet to speak to His people, they always dealt in specifics in regard to transgressions which needed to be addressed. It's easy to speak in generalities and give the appearance of doing a work of God. But a genuine apostle or prophet is going to point out the very wrongs which the Lord finds fault with. The ones sent to be about a task as this, will deal with specifics. To be about the business of restoration, since revival is for those things/people which have died, those who are truly sent to do a thing won't be walking in the very uncleanness which is part of the problem.

Take the following from an article on this site for example:

“I think it’s to realize the absolute desperate need for God to bring revival,” says Greg Gordon, founder of and the current intern executive director of the Canadian Revival Fellowship.

How can one who is guilty of one of the very sins which my Lord takes exception to expect to be abut the business of restoration?

"What sin is that?"

There is one Body, which is made of many people being the members of it. No sect, organization, or franchise can possibly be one of the members of the Body for it's only people who are found in the book of life, not sects. The apostles didn't, and would never, dare create groups which by veyr nature work against the unity of the Spirit. They didn't adopt franchise names, and didn't set about making their own personal kingdoms. There were only followers of the Christ, and that was enough for them.

Intern Executive Director? Is His Kingdom modelled after a business? Did God ordain a sect in His Body called the Canandian Revival Fellowship? How about a sect called Calvary Chapel?

If these things were really true......

So far Revival Conferences have attracted as many as 1000 pastors and ministry leaders per event, many of whom are personally revived. “Sin is confessed, pride is humbled, hope is renewed, prayer is kindled.

......then why can't they see the very spirit which my Lord is calling for a turning away from, which in turn will require them to "bear fruit in keeping with repentance" as a witness to their genuine repentance.

“Also for churches to rely again on prayer,” he adds.

Though this is very spiritual sounding, is it what the Lord hass called for in this hour? Is this the word of the Lord?

No, it's not.

The Lord says, "Why are you all on your faces? My people have sinned and have turned away from all that I have spoken to them. Return to me and I will return to you and be your strength to stand."

This is what the Lord has called for from His people. You can fast and pray all you like, but if you know the truth and don't walk in it, then He'll not look on your doings with favor.

Anyone can talk about what’s wrong with the Church, but someone’s got to bring a solution.

This is truth. But it's not any of these people have been called to reveal the solution. These people are like Baruch, seeking great things for themselves without actually being sent to be about the work which they are trying to accomplish though like Baruch, many have noble intentions.

So what does He want from His people in this hour?

He says that He wants His people to abandon their sects and the spirits which rule them.

He wants His people to be freed from the spirit of control which hold His people captive in their assemblies.

He wants the mountains and hills to be laid low and for the valleys to be raised up, so that the land is level.

And what does He want to do with us and through us as a result?

He wants to show us the things which we are missing, the things which His people have lost. But it can't ever be done in a people who can't admit that they are missing anything in the first place.

 2010/5/5 18:34

Joined: 2009/5/15
Posts: 1042
Pacific Ocean

 Re: What exactly is God calling for?

The amount of sermons on this website that deal with this question are too many to count. I would suggest looking up Greg Gordons 95 Thesis, listening to Paul Washers Ten Indictments. There are hundreds of things this website directly and clearly addresses. To catalog it would be a weighty task for anyone.

Jeremiah Dusenberry

 2010/5/5 18:44Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: What exactly is God calling for?

If you really want to know read Art Katz' book "Apostolic Conversion". It is very tiny, but powerful. It will abundantly answer you question, that is if you are brave enough to read it. Ha.


 2010/5/5 19:38Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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