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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : the final days of the welsh revival

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Joined: 2009/2/11
Posts: 179
Los Angeles, CA

 the final days of the welsh revival

hi, so i was recently listening to a sermon by brian green called "When Wales Caught The Fire Of The Holy Ghost - The 1904 Welsh Revival" and something really struck me toward the end of his message. it is available in sermonindex if anyone is interested. but yah, so he basically explained how toward the end of the revival, satan was able to twist the moving of God and that a spirit of deception lead some of the people astray. from there pastor green went on to stress that the key component of true revival is that it is a sovereign work of God and not of man. so, i was wondering if anyone happened to know what transpired and if they can refer me to any sources to back it up. thanks and God bless =)


 2010/4/21 1:09Profile

Joined: 2004/5/17
Posts: 235

 Re: the final days of the welsh revival

You may find, "Glory Filled the Land: A Trilogy on the Welsh Revival (1904-1905)" to be helpful. It is a compliation of writings from H. Elvet Lewis, G. Campbell Morgan, and I. V. Neprash and was edited by Richard Owen Roberts.

It's available at:

I don't know if the book addresses your specific question but if it does not, the web page has an email address and/or a phone number if you'd like to contact the editor, Mr. Roberts and ask him yourself.


 2010/6/23 7:39Profile

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