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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Will God Send Another Great Awakening?

[b]Will God Send Another Great Awakening?[/b]

[i]The Church needs something different. Something that brings the body of Christ back to God in a simple yet effective way.

by Daina Doucet[/i]

What is the greatest need in the Church today?

"I think it's to realize the absolute desperate need for God to bring revival," says Greg Gordon, founder of [url=][/url] and the current intern executive director of the Canadian Revival Fellowship [url=][/url] . "Also for churches to rely again on prayer," he adds. "That need is beyond desperate. So few churches dedicate meetings to prayer and intercession these days. Anyone can talk about what's wrong with the Church, but someone's got to bring a solution."

For the past three years, Gordon has been trying to bring a solution. Something "different." He has organized seven Revival Conferences with an "emphasis on revival without entertainment and commercialism" in the USA, Wales, Ireland, Nepal and now Canada. The first of this year's Revival Conferences will be in Victoria, British Columbia, at the Victoria First Church of the Nazerene, from Tuesday June 8 to Thursday June 10 with a preceding all-day prayer event on June 7, "especially so ministry leaders and pastors can attend."

With Christendom inundated with more than 10,000 conferences a year world-wide, how is another conference "different?" There is no cost to attend. No materials will be sold. No big bands. No emphasis on money. "The conference will focus on glorifying God. The speakers will come on their own accord trusting God for provision. The event will be simple, apostolic - yearning for a genuine biblical revival in our day."

So far Revival Conferences have attracted as many as 1000 pastors and ministry leaders per event, many of whom are personally revived. "Sin is confessed, pride is humbled, hope is renewed, prayer is kindled. But also there is a great expectation of a divine visitation from God and that our prayers will ignite a larger work in Canada so many souls can come into His kingdom."

Speakers at the Victoria event will be from a broad Evangelical background. Charles Price, the keynote speaker, is a television host, and pastor of Peoples' Church in Toronto. Other speakers are Clayton Dougan, an evangelist with the Brethren churches, Don Mclure of the Calvary Chapel movement, Richard Sipley a veteran team member with the Canadian Revival Fellowship, Mark Greening who emerged as "fruit" of the 1970 revival in Saskatoon and Andrew Strom, a representative of the prophetic movement from New Zealand.

"We hear much talk of revival and the excitement involved, but people who come to these conferences want to see a biblical, genuine revival come," says Gordon. "I believe these conferences will cause people to see that we must repent and come back to God. God will meet us and revive us!" It may seem impossible, he says, but he is hopeful. "We serve a God of impossibilities! We can have revival in Canada where millions come to Christ. And we can believe for it."

The Victoria Revival Conference will be held at the, "Victoria First Church Of The Nazerene" 4277 Quadra St, Victoria, BC and is open to everyone. Call to register freely and with questions: 1-800-273-7273

[i]Daina Doucet is a writer and editor based in Hamilton, Ontario. She edits the website, [url=][/url] for The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.[/i]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2010/4/13 12:15Profile

 Re: Will God Send Another Great Awakening?

God will send another "Great Awakening" when His people wake up to the uncleanness of their ways before him, some of which this very article reflects.

"I think it's to realize the absolute desperate need for God to bring revival," says Greg Gordon, founder of and the current intern executive director of the Canadian Revival Fellowship .

When people are introduced along with things which act as qualifications or credentials, they demonstrate a type of pride which acts as a hinderance to the very thing which they are trying to see accomplished. A truly spiritual man or woman has no need for anyone to introduce them in such a way. A truly spiritual man/woman only wants to be known as a brother or sister and relies upon grace and truth to work for them. What this quote demonstrates is te need to promote the speaker, in this case Greg Gordon as someone to take seriously because he's the founder of sermonindex and the executive director of the Canadian Revival Fellowship.

A second point which must be pointed out is that whenever men take to forming their own organizations and attaching their own particular franchise name to it, for instance the "Canadian Revival Fellowship", they can't possibly expect to receive God's full blessing because they're demonstrating an aspect of the very same spirit which the institutionalized system demonstrates.

For the past three years, Gordon has been trying to bring a solution. Something "different." He has organized seven Revival Conferences with an "emphasis on revival without entertainment and commercialism" in the USA, Wales, Ireland, Nepal and now Canada. The first of this year's Revival Conferences will be in Victoria, British Columbia, at the Victoria First Church of the Nazerene, from Tuesday June 8 to Thursday June 10 with a preceding all-day prayer event on June 7, "especially so ministry leaders and pastors can attend."

With Christendom inundated with more than 10,000 conferences a year world-wide, how is another conference "different?" There is no cost to attend. No materials will be sold. No big bands. No emphasis on money. "The conference will focus on glorifying God. The speakers will come on their own accord trusting God for provision. The event will be simple, apostolic - yearning for a genuine biblical revival in our day."

How can one bring something which one doesn't have or in this case fully comprehend? Did God bring change through specially organized conferences?

What many people don't understand is that charging for admission, materials, large bands, and the like are only symptoms of an underlying spiritual problem. If one takes away the symptoms but the disease stills remains, the end result will still be death.

So far Revival Conferences have attracted as many as 1000 pastors and ministry leaders per event, many of whom are personally revived. "Sin is confessed, pride is humbled, hope is renewed, prayer is kindled. But also there is a great expectation of a divine visitation from God and that our prayers will ignite a larger work in Canada so many souls can come into His kingdom."

And still there has been no change. Why is that? Could it be that these people are only superficially 'revived'? Could it be these people have only been superficially 'humbled'? Could it be that these people's prayers are being hindered by their own sins, (unintentional as they may be) and unknowing allegiances to the same spiritual corruption which they are trying to overcome?

Speakers at the Victoria event will be from a broad Evangelical background. Charles Price, the keynote speaker, is a television host, and pastor of Peoples' Church in Toronto. Other speakers are Clayton Dougan, an evangelist with the Brethren churches, Don Mclure of the Calvary Chapel movement, Richard Sipley a veteran team member with the Canadian Revival Fellowship, Mark Greening who emerged as "fruit" of the 1970 revival in Saskatoon and Andrew Strom, a representative of the prophetic movement from New Zealand.

Any gathering which feels the need to invite 'special guest speakers' demonstrates the need to give itself respectability, as well as demonstrating carnal thinking. Furthermore, each and everyone of these guest speakers are actually representatives of the very things which the Lord finds to be unclean; sectarianism, control, spiritual pride, and hypocrisy. Not one of these people, not one, are right before the Lord. Can't any of you see why?

"We hear much talk of revival and the excitement involved, but people who come to these conferences want to see a biblical, genuine revival come," says Gordon. "I believe these conferences will cause people to see that we must repent and come back to God. God will meet us and revive us!" It may seem impossible, he says, but he is hopeful. "We serve a God of impossibilities! We can have revival in Canada where millions come to Christ. And we can believe for it."

These 'conferences' will never cause people to repent until these people actually understand what it is they need to repent of themselves. These people have already met God, but for one reason or another have strayed away from Him in various ways. He will never, never be able to use people such as these while they are walking according to their own ways. There may be lots of emotional hype surrounding these meetings, but no real change will come out of them until the participants become willing to leave all of their dross behind.

What is truly needed in order for a "Great Awakening" to occur is for people who have been truly chosen, trained, matured, equipped, and sent for this very thing to be revealed and recognized.

My sincerest hope is that what I've shared will be unbiasedly examined and the truth will be applied.

 2010/4/13 13:43

Joined: 2010/4/12
Posts: 1

 Mark Green's Church

Does anyone know where Mark Green's Church is located? I need to visit it...

 2010/4/13 14:20Profile

Joined: 2010/2/19
Posts: 89


These 'conferences' will never cause people to repent until these people actually understand what it is they need to repent of themselves. These people have already met God, but for one reason or another have strayed away from Him in various ways. He will never, never be able to use people such as these while they are walking according to their own ways. There may be lots of emotional hype surrounding these meetings, but no real change will come out of them until the participants become willing to leave all of their dross behind.

Can you elaborate on this a little on this? Are you saying these men are not saved; you stated they "strayed away from Him." And what is it that these men need to repent of?

I understand and agree with your post brother/sister for the most part. Just trying to see if I'm misunderstanding. Thank you for the bold post. God bless.

 2010/4/13 18:47Profile


I'm not saying that anyone of them aren't in the faith, but I am saying that at the very least they all have a mixture of carnality and even unclean allegiances in their walks.

What do they need to repent of? Pride, sectarianism, desire for the limelight, personal kingdom building, and hypocrisy. Now I'm sure that they all truly do desire to serve the Lord, but because they have such a mixture they don't really know how. If they did, there would be change, and such a change that it would be like wildfire burning across the globe.

Instead of praying for revival, what they need to be praying for is correction and cleansing. Then they will all be used in a much greater way.

 2010/4/13 20:33

 Re: Will God Send Another Great Awakening?

Will God Send Another Great Awakening?

Yes, He is. His people need to be corrected and taught in order to prepare for the times which are coming to the world.

 2010/4/13 20:39

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: Will God Send Another Great Awakening?

There have been several threads over the past year dealing with God sending revival or awakening or another great move of His Spirit. I have been mulling this over in my mind for several years now, and felt that i wanted to weigh in with perhaps another perspective.

There are as many different perspectives on what brings revival, it seems, as there are people who would like to see it come. If God's people would just cry out day and night and if we can get enough people interceding for revival and crying out, it will come. If God's people will begin to see their sin and repent then revival will come. If God's people will turn from prayerlessness and begin to pray more, then revival will come. If God sees fit to move in a sovereign way then revival will come. If.............

Now please don't misunderstand me. I am 100% for intercession, for prayer, for repentance. I am not belittling those things one iota. When a person, a local fellowship, a region sees a great move of God, repentance will be a very great part of it, and countless sinners and saints alike will have a great deal that they will be compelled to repent of. When there is a move of God people will begin to pray like never before. The word will become central in the lives of people. But I don't see those things as precipitating revival, but rather as a result.

If you look at the New Testament, you find that with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the move of God was the order of the day. God's desire is to see the manifestation of the son's of God all over the earth. He desires "revival" and "awakening" more than we can fathom desiring it. God desires to use us in the same way He has used great men and women of God who have seen the His power manifest in great ways in the past. But He works as His Holy Spirit moves through man. He uses us.

I believe great prayer and fasting lead to revival, not because it moves God to do anything He has not already done, but because they make us more useable. Through spending great time with the Lord, before His face, we are changed from glory to glory and we come to a place of hearing, faith, and obedience. He says, "Now go do this..." and we do it. We go out in the power of the Spirit and do the things He leads us to do.

When we do this, we soon have all the revival we can handle. God begins to move in a powerful way. I don't think we are waiting on God. I think He is waiting on us. I don't think we need to convince Him to do anything. He did it through Christ and through sending the comforter. I think He needs to convince us to lay before Him, allowing Him to change us and to make us more usable.

I believe the great awakening began on the day of pentecost and has never stopped.

Perhaps a different perspective.



 2010/4/13 23:03Profile


If you look at the New Testament, you find that with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the move of God was the order of the day.

If you look at the New Testament, you find that with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the move of God was the order of the day.

But when one looks at the whole of Scripture, it becomes clear that only when the people put away their idols and turned back to God that He rewarded them with favor. The people then, as now, had to return to following Him as He commanded. But just as the people of Israel forgot the ways of the Lord, so to have His people of today lost much of the understanding of Him and His ways which were once known.

God's desire is to see the manifestation of the son's of God all over the earth. He desires "revival" and "awakening" more than we can fathom desiring it. God desires to use us in the same way He has used great men and women of God who have seen the His power manifest in great ways in the past.But He works as His Holy Spirit moves through man. He uses us.

This is truth. He has always desired for us to walking in Him. Not just for periods of time, but a sustained walk as an example to the world around us. It wasn't He who withdrew from us, it was us who withdrew from Him; His ways, His commands, His examples. He can't and won't dwell in the midst of a people who are unclean, whether through ignorance or rebellion.

I don't think we are waiting on God. I think He is waiting on us. I don't think we need to convince Him to do anything.I don't think we need to convince Him to do anything. He did it through Christ and through sending the comforter.

In a fashion you're correct. We have been shown the Way through His Son and through His Holy Spirit, but as His people of old, quickly after the apostles died, people started twisting and changing things until we have what we see today. He is waiting on us, but at the same time He has a plan for this hour which He's unfolding, too. Many have recognized the birth pangs of it already, yet still don't recognize the magnitude of what He's going to do. He knows that His people don't understand or fully recognize what it is that they're doing wrong. In His mercy and grace, He will show us. In fact, He has already shown us much of what displeases Him. But it's His people who've refused to change. When we move towards Him, He moves towards us.

I think He needs to convince us to lay before Him, allowing Him to change us and to make us more usable.

This is definitely a part of it.

Great post, Travis. You're on the right track.

Blessings and hugs.

 2010/4/14 2:20


Ezra 8:21,22

 2010/4/14 4:21

Joined: 2008/10/2
Posts: 203


I believe great prayer and fasting lead to revival, not because it moves God to do anything He has not already done, but because they make us more useable. Through spending great time with the Lord, before His face, we are changed from glory to glory and we come to a place of hearing, faith, and obedience. He says, "Now go do this..." and we do it. We go out in the power of the Spirit and do the things He leads us to do.

Hi Travis,

I can see where you're coming from with this. If we draw an analogy between 'Revival' and 'The birth of a child', after a child is born....there needs to be a loving mother present, to care for the baby and keep it alive. Similarly, with Revival, God knows there needs to be Spirit filled Christians, whose hearts are fully dependent upon Him. These are people He uses to nuture a Revival fire, once it's been lit. The prayer and travail, and the work of brokenness that God does in hearts prior to revival, is really what paves the way for the revival. In most revivals this seems to be the pattern God uses. However, if God sends revival fire and no one is 'ready for it'...then who will tend to the fire ?

In Jesus,

 2010/4/14 21:44Profile

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