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Joined: 2007/3/21
Posts: 87



I agree with everything your saying. I am not sure but I think you might be misunderstanding my post. People can operate in gifts because they are without repentance. No one should want to hear accurate words from someone who is not living a Godly life. The problem is that many indiscriminately recieve words because they affirm what they would like to hear. A bad practice indeed.

The boring and humdrum statement was an attempt at a little sarcasm to allude to what many contemporary christians would have felt about that experience. In truth and reality it was anything but boring and humdrum because it was how God was wanting to express Himself at that time. My point was that many are developing a unhealthy bias to sensational experiences with God and thereby predisposing themselves to last days deceptions which will be marked by real supernatural phenomena.

Again, I am in total agreement with your post. I think you have misread mine. Yet thats alright. Those things happen from time to time. (^_^)

Eric Lanham

 2010/4/13 14:15Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Here is a link to the Ihop website that explains their prophecy ministry. If you disagree that's fine no skin off of my nose, I wouldn't ride them off though I have many friends that are apart of Ihop and I know from speaking with them they are on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ and want His return and will to be done.

I hope this helps

God Bless,

Matthew Guldner

 2010/4/13 14:54Profile

Joined: 2007/3/21
Posts: 87

 Re: IHOP Prophecy Room

If it is for encouragement, why not say that? Why call it prophecy when it isn't?

This I am afraid is manipulation and denegration of the prophetic ministry itself. When we use the word 'prophetic' we are implicating God because the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. No ministry should ever use those words 'prophetic' or 'prophesy' in order to give to their proclamation a certain weightiness that it would otherwise not have. Yet this is what goes on in a lot of charasmatic circles.

I remember Mike Bickle telling a story of how one of the new prophetic people did not have a prophetic Word from God to tell the people. So Mike told him to "just tell them that God loves them". That is the epitome of deception and falseness. For you to put words in a young mans mouth and tell that young man to speak those words to someone as if God is dynamically giving those words on the spot is unthinkable. I guess it is a light thing to some but I just believe that that is a serious breach of prophetic integrity. The Church is called to be the pillar and ground of the Truth and if we allow such actions to take place without raising a flag and questioning then we have come to the very ground of deception.

If God is not giving a Word then we need to communicate that even if the one wanting a word goes away disillusioned. I would rather have that than offer some biblical truism and validate it by saying 'The Lord just wants you to know such and such.' God deliver us from the games of pretense and spiritual folly.

Eric Lanham

 2010/4/13 15:56Profile

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