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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 End to 'loaded' Islamic terms welcomed

"WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A Washington decision to strike terms linking the religion of Islam to extremism is a welcome departure to U.S. policy in the Middle East, advocates said."

[url=]Full Story[/url]

"The previous administration said "militant Islamic radicalism" is one of the greatest ideological challenges of the modern era."

Proverbs 26:28

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2010/4/9 22:38Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: End to 'loaded' Islamic terms welcomed

Influential clerics and other Muslim advocates have recommended avoiding words like "jihad" and other Islamic terms for fear of undermining the peaceful nature of the religion.

'While the Muslims were on their way back to Madinah, two of the captives were executed, al Nadr ibn al Harith and `Uqbah ibn Abu Mu'ayt. Neither Muhammad nor his companions had until that moment any law regarding the captives regulating their execution, ransom, or enslavement. A1 Nadr and `Uqbah were terribly hard on the Muslims in Makkah and had inflicted upon them all the harm and injury they could. A1 Nadr was executed when the captives were arrayed in front of the Prophet near the locality called al Uthayl...

...As the party arrived at `Irq al Zubyah, the Prophet ordered the execution of `Uqbah ibn Abu Mu'ayt. When `Uqbah pleaded, "Who will take care of my children, 0 Muhammad?" Muhammad answered, "The fire."'

- The Life of Muhammad By Muhammad Husayn Haykal, Islamic Book Trust, pgs 251-252.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2010/4/9 22:51Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


...As the party arrived at `Irq al Zubyah, the Prophet ordered the execution of `Uqbah ibn Abu Mu'ayt. When `Uqbah pleaded, "Who will take care of my children, 0 Muhammad?" Muhammad answered, "The fire."'

I got on the bus today and noticed a paper on the floor. It caught my attention because I recognised a name on it; the name was the acronym CAIR which stands for(if I have it right) the Council for American and Islamic Relations. I decided to grab it so I could look it over because I've read somethings about the group.

On the back it says somethings about CAIR and its goals. One of the goals stated is: promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America through media relations, advocacy and education.

I thought that we have something in common about that. Both of us, CAIR, and we Chistians in the west, have an interest in how our faith is percieved by others around us.

And then I remembered a qoute that I read atrrtibuted to a certain woman that is Muslim, but has received much opposition for her speaking about the treatement of women in Islam and other such things.

She's qouted as saying that "The problem with Christians is they aren't as good as Jesus. But thank God most Muslims are better than Muhammad."

I know that is true about me. I haven't been as good as Jesus. As to the other part of the qoute, I wouldn't(as a Christian) say something like that to our Muslim friends. I understand that Muhammad is set forth in the Koran as your exemplary example to emmulate and follow. Just like the Lord Jesus is for us.

I wouldn't say that to you. But I would offer you something else to consider, if you would be willing. To read our Injils or Gospels, and see, if there is anyone, anywhere, that has ever lived, that is quite like our Jesus?

Have you ever read of someone that is as good as our Jesus?

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2010/4/12 0:12Profile

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