[b]Internet porn a wide-ranging problem, even in the church[/b]Long before the surgeon general issued his 1964 report showing the devastating harm of smoking, much of the nation viewed cigarettes as fun and harmless, even cool.A new report says much of America today has a similar naive attitude toward Internet pornography and that it needs to wake up and see porn's destructive impact not only on individuals but also marriages, children and society in general -- before it's too late.The 53-page report, called simply, "The Social Costs of Pornography," was released by The Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J., and was signed by more than 50 scholars from a wide variety of backgrounds: conservatives and liberals, Democrats and Republicans, atheists and Christians. ...read more: [url=http://baptistpress.com/BPnews.asp?ID=32644]http://baptistpress.com/BPnews.asp?ID=32644[/url]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
And it's not just the guys. I heard that the female demographic is the fastest growing.This is Every Man's Battle and it's so ingrained in us. I'm not saying let's be perfect but we need to do something. Most churches just look the other way when it comes to porn, premarital sex and other things. I don't think it's the falling into the acts of sins that Jesus isn't happy with. Because it is a very strong sin that affects us all. You can even say our body naturally wants it. It is the only sin that we were told to flee from. It's the casual non-chalant attitude that we have toward it that angers Him. A sin is a sin no matter how grotesque us humans make it out to be. It's our heart that matters folks.
codek,You are exactly right, porn "used to be" a male problem but with Hollywood movies and romance novels and soap operas and all the rest... it's like looking out at the horizon but you can't tell if a tsunami's coming in or not because it's rising slowly and you continue to play on the beach until it's too late.My sister last night told me about our cousin's grand daughter, who has a facebook account; this seven year old little girl has a game on her page that is called "Lover of the Day." 7 YEARS OLD!!I try to becareful what I watch and I tell my sons, "I'm guarding my heart" but the commericals are as bad as some shows. I have friends who had cable tv taken out of their home. He told his wife it was a problem for him and he needed it to be gone and she immediately agreed. Praise God for that wife who didn't argue with him about it.Anyway... you're right, it is a problem. God bless!