QUOTE From YesJesusisLord.org THE Bible says "it is time for you to act O Lord for they have regarded your law as void," our religious freedom are threatened. Law have just recently been passed that will open the door to hate crimes against the people of God, street witness and Bible studies interrupted, pastor arrested and fined, permit and licenses revoked for preaching the Gospel ! YesJesusIsLord.org was founded to exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through an effort to present two CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS to California voters to allow us to freely share Jesus Christ and God's Word, The Bible, without it being a crime , hate crime or unlawful to do so. The essence of the amendments * provides that a person using any part of Bible 's content as authority may freely communicate any view about various action and principles at public or private gatherings or in other places and circumstances or in any communicative medium, * To enumerate specific topics understood by pastors to be included in the free exercise of their biblical duty to preach the whole counsel of the Scriptures.* Therefore , it is not a crime, hate crime or unlawful for a person to use any part of the Bible's content as authority. Jesus said, Matthew 10:16 "Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of the wolves, be ye therefore as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." AS Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa has written, " It is a prudent measure and believing this is to be from the Lord. I believe that we at Calvary Chapel should be in support of this amendment would help to accomplish just that "It is time for born again , Bible believing Spirit filled Christians to boldly stand in love, for Jesus Christ and the Bible before it is crime , hate crime or unlawful to do so.we need the prayers and the help of Born again Christians , Please sign the PETITIONS and get the Word out visit www.YesJesusIsLord.org Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father - Phil 2:11
Constitutional amendments won't make any indifference.Christians will still be despised and hated andpersecuted for the defense of the hope and truth ofthe gospel of Jesus Christ!!If you desire to stand for the faith and live a lifeworthy of the calling of Christ, do so!!
_________________Martin G. Smith
sojourner,Constitutional amendments may not make a difference in how people feel about Christians, but they [b]will[/b] make a difference in the fact that Christians can publicly proclaim the truth without punishment.With care in Christ...
_________________Taylor Otwell