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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : Obedience is learned by suffering

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Joined: 2009/1/4
Posts: 353

 Obedience is learned by suffering

According to Jesus in the Spirit, obedience is learned “BY THE THINGS WE SUFFER!” So, Suffering isn’t necessarily all bad, is it??!! We try to avoid the very thing that makes us more like Jesus and gives us the strength to obey, FINALLY! Be willing to suffer in humility and LEARN OBEDIENCE FROM IT! Wow. And, it is not just PRAYING WITH TEARS, but “REVERENT SUBMISSION” that causes God to hear our prayers! Think about what that means in YOUR life. REVERENT SUBMISSION as a way of life

I really felt convicted after reading this. That I may learn what it means to suffer in humility...and to pray with reverent submission

 2010/3/28 1:29Profile

Joined: 2009/1/4
Posts: 353

 Re: Obedience is learned by suffering

And the Father put all things under Christ’s feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. And you he made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins!” (Eph. 1:22-2:1).What does it mean that Jesus is our “all in all?”? It means, I am not qualified to be my savior. “He is my Savior. He is my life. He is my relationship with myself. He is my relationship with the Father. He is my relationship with sin. He is my relationship with the flesh. He is my relationship with the world. He is my relationship with the devil. He is my relationship with the law. He is my relationship with all the saints. Christ is my life!”


Again very convicting...I think it time that I start living this, its time to let go!

 2010/3/28 1:38Profile

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