Poster | Thread | Earendel Member

Joined: 2009/3/17 Posts: 308 Central Alberta, Canada
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The only things i found a little disturbing about this "prophet" is people falling and shaking during his meetings and I guess his fancy suits also. Other than that his message is right on biblically. It is totally contrary to the health and wealth prosperity false gospel. I found some of his message pretty challenging to my walk, in a good way. But even if he is of the Lord I agree we do need to be careful not to exalt any man, prophet or not. We must look only unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
The falling down under the power of God does not bother me at all. Have you ever had the Holy Spirit come upon you and fill you? Sometimes you cannot stand up under that power...(the presence of the Holy Spirit is absolutely beautiful, and I will take that glorious anointing as much as the Lord Jesus will allow me to have.)
Yes, we must be careful to not glorify any man. Any true prophet of God would chide anyone who attempted to glorify them. Just don't do it. I think the O/P was just excited about the message of repentance and wanted to draw attention to the speaker so we would listen to see what he was saying.
I have been listening to his messages for a few hours now, and I have not found anything that indicate him being a con artist. His message is true and correct, one of repentance and turning to true holiness before the Lord, which is in total contrast to the name it and claim it/blab it and grab it, and the liberal crowd that ordains homosexuals.
As long as he is preaching the word of God the way he is, I say God bless him and let him preach repentance! Repent! Prepare the way of the Lord! _________________ David
| 2010/3/29 1:05 | Profile | Earendel Member

Joined: 2009/3/17 Posts: 308 Central Alberta, Canada
| | 2010/3/29 1:08 | Profile | SonsofLevi Member

Joined: 2008/10/21 Posts: 107 Richmond, Va. USA
| Re: | | Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Any preacher or teacher that tells you what is going to happen and does not lead you to hear from the Holy Spirit yourself is a false teacher or false prophet. I'll not speak about this particular fellow but hopefully lead you to see for yourself with the witness of the Spirit of Truth who will lead you in all truth. A teacher that does not lead the believer to the Cross but casts his focus on the "things that are seen" rather than "the things that are unseen" is not a "spiritual man". For we are crucified to the "rudiments of this world" and have "set our minds on things above not on things on earth". To truly live under an open heaven and hear clearly what God is doing concerning His eternal purpose in the Christ one has to know in living experience "the way of the Cross" and its principal of self-denial. All that is of the natural man and the "old man" must be crucified with Christ so that "it is no longer I who live, but Christ liveth in me". Only then can we know "the things of the Spirit" and "the deep things of God" because we "have the mind of Christ". He who does not lose his life(psuche) cannot be His disciple. He who loses his life(psuche or natural soul-life) for Jesus' sake will find it unto life eternal(zoe or divine life). Once the Cross has adequately dealt with the flesh and the natural mind only then can we "know Christ and the power of His resurrection". One who is not willing to suffer with Him filling up that which is lacking in His sufferings for His Body's sake, which is the Church, will never know "the things of the Spirit". Safety from false prophets and false teachers is always in "the way of the Cross". Multitudes of prophets and teachers will cast your focus on things external and circle you around the Cross and even let you look upon the Cross but will never exhort you to see your "self" upon it in Christ so that the true power of the Holy Spirit can work in and through you. And that Christ may be your life. The "crucified" Christian is the only Christian who is a threat to satan and his hosts, and knowing his time is short, will stop short at nothing to prevent the Christian from moving from the carnal stage, or babyhood, to being a spiritual Christian, or a mature Christian in which Christ is fully formed. One who is dead to "self" and alive unto God in Christ. And knows how to wage war in the heavenlies with spiritual weapons rather than carnal weapons against the powers of darkness who try to usurp the throne of God. He is a Christian who is known in hell. Anyone who desires to enter into the deeper Christian life is in for a rough time of it. You will be beset by strange maladies. Attempts at confusion will be cast at you whether being a malady in body or mind or spirit. Counterfeit manifestations will be cast at you by the enemy to draw you out of dwelling with Christ where you are seated at the right hand of God. God will teach you which manifestations are of Himself and which are counterfeits of the enemy. He will lead you into deep heart-burdened prayer and travail of soul for the Church. He will put in you a deep dissatisfaction for things that are not according to Christ in yourself and in other believers and Christendom in whole. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian, and anyone who says or wants the Holy Spirit to work in them and through them this will be their lot. Anything other is a contradiction to being a Christian with the Holy Spirit, it cannot be. Pentecost in its outworking will produce that. If that is not the experience of the Christian then the Holy Spirit is not doing His work. Anybody who leads you to other than that and casts your focus away onto something else is utterly false. The "crucified life" is the only way to know the Holy Spirit and to cultivate a relationship with Him. Then you have no need of a teacher because you have the witness within you. Teaching can only come along side and confirm what you already know, thus strengthening your spirit and giving you utterance to feed Christ to others. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing who inwardly are ravening wolves. They have no cross nor have allowed the Cross to utterly slay them nor will lead you to it that you might know the Holy Spirit for yourself. They want to gather unto themselves disciples thus deceiving many and being deceived themselves. The enemy has the power to perform signs and wonders and often does it for this very purpose. He will stop short at nothing. Every Christian ought to have the witness in himself to know which of these are of God and which are of satan. Who is preaching in the power of the Holy Spirit and who is preaching according to his own wisdom. May the Lord grant unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the glory of the riches of His inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe. Which is the same power which raised Christ from the dead! _________________ R. Evan Gombach
| 2010/4/3 19:16 | Profile |
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The only things i found a little disturbing about this "prophet" is people falling and shaking during his meetings
In these countries that he goes to there is a lot of witchcraft, and voodoo, etc.. so your going to get some sort of demonic activity in the crowd. And when the Holy Spirit is moving people are getting free right in the congregation. And also what Earendel said about the Holy Spirit, sometimes you can't stand up under that power, if it wasn't for praying people around me holding me up, I would have fallen down. |
| 2010/4/3 19:30 | | SonsofLevi Member

Joined: 2008/10/21 Posts: 107 Richmond, Va. USA
| Re: | | Demonic activity doesn't surprise me a bit! I see demonic activity in a good majority of the congregations in this country. You just have to have eyes to see. And those who do not know "the crucified life" will not see. They will see many things and even supernatural, but will not be able to discern the true manifestations of the Holy Spirit from the false. Anything that belongs to "the old creation" or the "old man" is legal ground for satan. True Pentecost comes only after Calvary. No Calvary, No Pentecost. No Cross, No Crown. True Victory over the deceptions and wiles of the enemy are in a true Calvary experience. Then a true Pentecost experience just happens spontaneously. You don't have to teach anyone about manifestations or how to achieve them. That opens the door for a counterfeit from satan. You just have to be crucified with Christ. Then union with Him in resurrection and ascension is spontaneous. That is the power of the Holy Spirit. And those who have experienced this don't listen to the voice of an imposter, for "the sheep know His voice, and an imposter they will not follow". Nor will they "run here" nor "run there" to see God, for they "know" Him. They are seated together already with Him in the heavenlies looking down. All deceptions of satan and his host are under their feet. They keep their lamps trimmed, they are sober and watchful.
Matthew 24:24-26 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you beforehand. If therefore they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the wilderness; go not forth: Behold, he is in the inner chambers; believe it not."
Matthew 24:4-8 And Jesus answered and said unto them, "Take heed that no man lead you astray. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars; SEE THAT YE BE NOT TROUBLED: for these things must needs come to pass; but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places. But all these are the beginning of travail."
We must keep our lamps trimmed, and know the voice of the Lord. Then shall we not be led astray by false prophets. There is no need to "look here" nor "look there" if the Cross has adequately crucified us. Then we can be amongst that great cloud of witnesses throughout all generations who "loved His appearing". Even so, come Lord Jesus!
May the love of the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with your spirit. _________________ R. Evan Gombach
| 2010/4/4 2:52 | Profile |