I have been wondering what to write regarding what has been so heavy of a burden for me for so long, and I believe I now know what I need prayer for the most. As a little history, I have been in an extremely difficult marriage situation for a very long time. We have been in excellent christian counseling for the last 6 months. The counseling has helped superficially some, but has mostly exposed that the situation is not going to get significantly better any time soon. I know that God specializes in the impossible, but I also know that He does not always do so in the timing that we desire.My trouble is this: I am increasingly concerned about my own spiritual condition after such a long battle. My desire for holiness has been replaced with self-righteousness. I believe I have become bitter towards my spouse. I don't have the intense loathing for my own sin in my heart, only in my head. I know the Lord wishes me to press on with Him, and I know I can't if I don't allow this conviction of my own sin to do it's work in me. Please pray for me, that I would see the log in my eye, and that I would have the desire to take it out. I am fixated on the log in another's eye right now.
This morning I will pray that the Lord will give you grace and wisdom in this situation. Sometimes, I am so pitiful before the Lord because I just can't get victory over the mindgames and mental arguments with others.May your heart be guarded in this, and may the Lord heal the hurts. I will ask that you might see a light at the end of all this. His ways are not our ways, and counselors play second to God. May He comfort you. I have been on both sides and He will help you through. God bless, Kathleen
I have a special burdern for marriage restoration, so I will be praying for you. I have seen real miracles in this area. My counsel to you is that your focus is in the wrong place. You are beholding a person, when the only way to liberty is focussing on the Lord. When we saturate ourselves with Him all of lifes relationships are in their proper order. You can't even focus on fixing you. It can't be done by you. So lift your eyes higher to the One who loves you desperately and you will find peace for your soul and your marriage. God hates divorce. I will be praying for both of you.
Hi swimmer,I would like to draw to your attention the ministry of Greg Violi, whose website is aplaceforhisglory.com. I do not for a moment want to minimise what you are going through, or have been through. In the end, you alone can know how God is leading, and must walk with Him on your own in your marriage; He will keep you there, or deliver you, according to His will.