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Joined: 2010/2/12
Posts: 22

 Partakers of His holiness

...that we might be partakers of his holiness... - Hebrews 12:10

Many see holiness as something we attain, as something we acheive, as something we work to possess. Nothing could be further from the truth. As we all know, holiness is a very high standard to attain. In fact there is no goal more unreachable than pure and thorough holiness, but there is also no goal more noble and more necessary. For the bible says that without holiness no man shall see God. So what are we mere men to do? You see, God alone is Holy, Holy, Holy, and Jesus Christ alone is our only source for holiness. He is forever the vine and we are forever the branches. Our relationship with God is one of complete dependence upon Him. We can do nothing without Him, especially attain holiness. You see the wonderful thing about this unusual circumstance that we are in is that we were never meant to try to possess holiness, rather we are meant to be possessed by holiness. I mean to say that we were never meant to possess anything, especially holiness, apart from Jesus Christ. He doesn't give us a gift and then we run along with it. No, we take our place in Him and we are forever attached to all we need, even holiness. For Jesus Christ Himself is Holiness. The secret is submission, and that is the context of Hebrews 12. The Father, in love, chastises us that we might submit to Him in order that we might be a partaker of His holiness. To paratake means to join in. It's not that we work to attain our on holiness, it's that we join in His holiness through our vine, Jesus Christ. Again, we don't possess holiness, holiness possesses us. The more we sumbit to Christ as Lord of all, the holier we become. The more of us He possesses, the holier we are. My friend, stop working for something you can never acheive. Just give up, and let Jesus take over. I say to you, let Jesus take over. Have you ever heard the song "He Abides?" It is the most joyous song. This song rings with bliss and insumountable joy in the Lord. One line of this song stuck out to me recently -

He is with me everywhere,
And He knows my every care;
I’m as happy as a bird and just as free;
***For the Spirit has control;***
Jesus satisfies my soul,
Since the Comforter abides with me.

Would you like to be happy and as free as a bird? Would you like Jesus to satisfy your soul? Would you like God to be with you everywhere and all the time? Would you like to be holy? Then let the Spirit have control!!! Give the Spirit control of you. Let Jesus take over you. Yield yourselves to God. Present yourself as a living sacrifice to Him. Submit to God that you might be a partaker of His holiness.

 2010/3/11 17:35Profile

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