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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : a demonically tormented fellow

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Joined: 2010/3/2
Posts: 253

 a demonically tormented fellow

I need some insight. Please, this is not intended for anyone to add as they wish or cause a problem with words. The topic is about what demons back up from. Spiritual warfare is conducted IN Jesus only as we are utterly powerless on our own.

This is a question for EX, high ranking members of satanic organizations or cults. More specifically if you have ever come against the forces of darkness that just won't go away.

The story: a young man about 22 years old shows up at our ministry. Accepted ignorantly by all. Plus he had a pretty convincing set of words. As time goes on, quickly we notice there is more to the story. After multiple outbursts of rage, he's dis-fellowshiped from eventually all contact with the church-kept within certain passages of Scripture. He asked if we'd pray and have a demon removed. It manifested, I talked to it for a short time and it did not want to speak anything that made sense. So we as a group prayed. He said it was gone. Later, I found that it or they had never left. The young man said when he was in his youth he invoked the demon called "belial" (which speaks volumes) into his soul. One thing the demon told me was it "was going to take this body to hell and burn it" so I told it that it would not win. Now, 1.) why won't these spiritual doors close? 2.) What am I missing? 3.) what can we do, (as we've prayed they close already)? 4.) is it that he is continuing to keep these doors open? and why would a person do this?

He tells me when he was little, very atrocious things happened to him by his parents. Things that no child should ever have to endure. Is this a quest for attention today in his life? What is there that an EX member of a similar situation can offer in this matter?

Please only reply in my personal message box. This will avoid conflict- a man's soul is in the balance. And I don't want foolishness to be written here that is not from God and His timing.

 2010/3/7 0:21Profile

Joined: 2006/11/7
Posts: 1178

 Re: a demonically tormented fellow

I am just bumping this to address later in PM. I have to go to work now. I will be praying.


 2010/3/7 8:02Profile

Joined: 2010/3/2
Posts: 253


Thank you to all who posted and have been praying. I looked over all the e-mails sent to me. There were two of you who posted links. They can be helpful to others. Please post them here if you don't mind.


 2010/3/9 17:07Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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