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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Things could be about to change(for me)

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Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Praise the Lord I am so happy to hear a good report, its amazing what God can do in even the most grim of situation to work everything out for the better. He definitely knows what He is doing. I understand that you still have a long way to go in full restoration but this seems to me like a great step in the right direction. I will continue to pray for you and your husband.

I actually am really excited for you because my mom and dad were very close to divorce when I was a kid and my family statistically shouldn't be together still but God decided to do something different and though my past isn't pretty it's a beautiful testimony to me of how God restores the most damaged relationships. This is why I want to go into counseling and help families find restoration through Christ Jesus!

Again Praise the Lord He is so Good.

God Bless,

Matthew Guldner

 2010/3/12 19:06Profile


We have decided to take things slow, get to know each other again and this will give us some time work out things with my mom, work, school.

Wow, Amen!

The rushing in can come up behind you at any moment, keep solid to the "decision" that you both made and keep it in perspective.

What a testimony!!!

A friend of mine here who's situation is far more complex has realized that he needs to get serious with God if he wants to save his marriage. Though I am praying for him, can others here pray for his wife? She's a good hearted woman.

Giving God all the glory.

 2010/3/12 19:06

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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