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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : The Attractiveness of Christ In Us

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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 The Attractiveness of Christ In Us

The Attractiveness of Christ In Us
A man named Jesus, not yet known to those in the area, walked along the shore of Galilee. Two men were out on the water fishing with their nets. As Jesus passed, he called to them, “‘Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!’ And they left their nets at once and went with him” (Matt. 4:18-20).

What was it that caused them, in a second’s notice to quit their day jobs, and follow someone that they hadn’t met? Surely it wasn’t out of a sense of obligation; their “obligation” was with the fish and nets that they left lying on the ground. And not just anyone who passed by could have captivated their whole selves with that one sentence. There was something in Him that made just one look into His eyes spark a new sense of freedom and hope; an all-consuming peace and love that just radiated from Him. This is our vision! This is the way that very same Jesus wants it to be for us, from “the least” to “the greatest.” The grocery bagger and the neighbor are fascinated and drawn because “it is not you, but Christ who lives in you...” And all of that is simply a byproduct of living in faithfulness and in love for our Father each step of the way. —mos

 2010/2/26 0:44Profile

Joined: 2008/4/3
Posts: 228

 Re: The Attractiveness of Christ In Us

Yes, MaryJane. To be so dead to myself that none of the offensive evidence of the old Kathleen remain.

May the inner man be renewed daily by the washing of the water of the Word and the renewing of the Holy Ghost.

May people be drawn to the light of Christ Jesus within us as moths to a flame.


 2010/2/26 4:59Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: The Attractiveness of Christ In Us

There is a singular, unique beauty that is found
only in Christ !! HE is the pearl of great price;
the joy of man's desiring !!

Martin G. Smith

 2010/2/26 11:19Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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