Dear Ginny,I will be praying also. Having been a prodigal myself in my younger years, I realize that sometimes the only thing that any of us can do in a situation of this sort is let them go and commit them to God. Sometimes the shortest distance back is a quick fall to the bottom, as counter-intuitive as that seems to our broken hearts. I speak from some experience. May God intervene on behalf of all.Clint
_________________Clint Thornton
Ginny,I don't know how you feel about this ... [url=] How To Identify The Enemy - Part 1 by Derek Prince[/url][url=]How To Identify The Enemy - Part 2 by Derek Prince[/url][url=]Witchcraft - Public Enemy #1 - Part 1 by Derek Prince[/url][url=]Witchcraft - Public Enemy #1 - Part 2 by Derek Prince[/url]If these peak your interest, here is his site that sells all of his mp3's for more topics on this particular subject...[url=]Derek Prince Shop - Spiritual Warfare[/url]God bless you,
Clint, I understand your point. I often times pray that I would not interfere with God working in the lives of our prodigals. It is really hard to not work to interfere with the result that a sinful lifestyle is sure to bring. But too many times this is the only way. It is like Chuck Swindoll says: "a person's rebellion creates a storm for other people." Chuck was referring to Jonah's rebellion is running away from God and God sending a storm.Thanks to all who pray for this family. The dad is fixing to come see us next weekend and then I hope we can discus this situation in more detail.Blessings,ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller
Lysa,I briefly checked out the titles listed. I did not listen to these mesaages since I am well acquainted with Derek Prince's teachings. My own opinion, notice I said opinion - I cannot say the Holy Spirit revealed this to me - is that I would suspect demonic activity. But I am not sure how these parents think about this subject - they are both Ph.D's in the physical sciences...hope to ask my BIL next weekend when he comes to visit in our community. In the meantime, God can still work..Thanks for sharing the links, Lysa.ginnyrose
But I am not sure how these parents think about this subject - they are both Ph.D's in the physical sciences
When the Lord allows us to finally arrive at our "wits end," this is usually when all fight leaves us and the Lord can finally work with us.
You might be surprised by what they say!!