Poster | Thread | Richard365 Member

Joined: 2010/1/13 Posts: 42 USA
| New Movie called "To Save a Life" What do you think? | | I've been hearing hype on my local Christian radio stations about this movie that has just came to theaters. So far, it's not in my area, but I've been to the website and seen the trailer. You'll have to see it, but from what I see and read about it, it portrays teen drinking, teen suicide and strong sexual content. Everyone is raving about this movie, but from just watching the trailer, I wonder what the real message is.
One of the local christian radio DJ's said this was better than most Christian Movies calling them "cheesy." From the trailer, I don't see anything that would classify this as a "Christian" movie. Of course I haven't seen the full movie. When I look at the past Christian movies like Fireproof and Facing the Giants, I don't think those were cheesy at all. Of course the acting could have been better, but that's what happens when you don't have high dollar actors in your movie, but that didn't at all take away from what the main message was.
I think that this new movie might be taking things too for for it to be a "christian" movie. For example, in Fireproof, we didn't need to see the wife and young doctor making out half naked to get the point they were having an adulterious affair. We didn't need to see strong sexual content on the computer of the Husband to get the point of him endulging in porn. But just in the trialer of this new movie you see things that I wouldn't want my daughter to see.
Is it reality, sure. Do I need to take my daughter to see a teen commite suicide, teen drinking doing stupid things or strong sexual content for her to understand it's out there, no. That's what her Father, Mother and Church is for.
For those who've seen the there an underlined message of repentance and turning from sin in this movie? Does the popular guy who decides to reach out to the outcast find his answer to life through God? I guess I either need to see this movie or talk to someone who has. I don't mean to bash the movie, but I question it's message based on what I've read and seen.
I wonder if any of this makes sense? Maybe I'm just getting carried away with this. But I'd love to hear what my other Brothers and Sisters who've seen it to help clear up my thoughts. Maybe I'm totally off base. Thanks for your time and if you've got some input, please say so. God Bless. |
| 2010/1/23 14:23 | Profile | sojourner7 Member

Joined: 2007/6/27 Posts: 1573 Omaha, NE
| Re: New Movie called "To Save a Life" What do you think? | | The movie poses the question "How far would you go to save a life ??" and focus on what we can do to try to prevent suicide. There's not a Godly, true perspective on the importance and meaning of life; so I question its effect and its value. Most who would choose to end their life feel like their life doesn't matter and has no meaning !! _________________ Martin G. Smith
| 2010/1/23 15:39 | Profile | Richard365 Member

Joined: 2010/1/13 Posts: 42 USA
| Re: | | So you've seen it? If there's not a Godly, true perspective on what it means to save a life, meaning others as well as your own, than I question so many churches using it to influence their youth groups.
I'm all about suicide prevention, no question there. But if this movie was made by a Christian church without any perspective on God's ultimate impact in saving a life, than what was the overall intent? I don't know...but thanks for your thoughts. |
| 2010/1/23 16:44 | Profile | poet Member

Joined: 2007/2/16 Posts: 231 Longview WA
| Re: | | People, churches, confuse humanism, with doing what is right. We will watch any kind of filth as long as it serves the greater good or purpose, not considering what God thinks or feels. Were so far removed from God that we don't blush at the sight of things that grieve the HolySpirit... I say we, because I do the same kind of things and realize that I excuse what I allow my eyes to watch, exclaiming well yea it has a good message though, or, but it helps people...We put a christian label on a movie, or book,or music way way, to easily, when Christ had nothing to do with what is shown, said, or conveyed.
_________________ howard
| 2010/1/23 18:02 | Profile | Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: New Movie called "To Save a Life" What do you think? | | The movie is about a young man questioning his behavior and HAD HE stayed his friend and behaved differently toward his childhood best friend, Roger, would he have commited suicide? So he determines within himself to speak to every student in his high school and get to know them.
The suicide rates are horrible; these are from 2001... ___________________________Rate Per___% of ___________________Number__100,000___Total Firearms......................16,869.....5.9............55.1 All Other Methods.........13,753......4.8............49.9 Hanging or Suffocation...6,198.......2.2............20.2
I admit I've not seen it, but from what I've read, it sounds a whole lot like what God wants us to do: stop focusing on ourselves and start helping others.
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't care if it's secular or not, if it keeps one teenager or anyone else alive until they are sent someone by God, then I'm all for it. (Edit for future readers:: I guess I should reworded the "I don't care" comment ( :) ) because first and foremost my trust is in the Lord and I should NOT have worded it as if there was no hope except in this movie. For that I am truly sorry.)
There are many kids out there withouts parents (in body or in mind) that might need to see this movie. Personally, I plan on taking my 17 yr old son with me to see this (he's been through a bout of depression already. If it gets his eyes off of himself and on to other people troubles, then praise God!
I hope nothing I wrote sounds mad... b/c I'm not! I very rarely get mad at other people, usually myself! Nothing was written in aggravation or anger!
God bless you!!
_________________ Lisa
| 2010/1/23 20:59 | Profile | rainydaygirl Member

Joined: 2008/10/27 Posts: 742
| Re: | | Quote:
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't care if it's secular or not
This is what really confuses me the most. Shouldn't we care if it is worldly? I wonder would Jesus care if it was worldly??
| 2010/1/23 21:17 | Profile | savannah Member

Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: New Movie called "To Save a Life" What do you think? | | Richard365 makes the following 2 statements,
"Maybe I'm just getting carried away with this."
And, "Maybe I'm totally off base."
Richard365, verily you're not getting carried away far enough from this.
God commands His people,
"Do not come into close association with unbelievers, like oxen yoked with asses. For what is there in common between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what partnership has light with darkness? Where can harmony between Christ and Belial be found? Or what participation has a believer with an unbeliever? And what compact has the Temple of God with idols? For *we* are the Temple of the ever-living God; as God has said, "I WILL DWELL AMONG THEM, AND WALK ABOUT AMONG THEM; AND WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND IT IS THEY WHO SHALL BE MY PEOPLE." Therefore, "'COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM AND SEPARATE YOURSELVES,' SAYS THE LORD, 'AND TOUCH NOTHING IMPURE; AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU, AND WILL BE A FATHER TO YOU, AND YOU SHALL BE MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS,' SAYS THE LORD THE RULER OF ALL." 2 Cor. 6:14-18
Richard365, you're neither on home base or safe at that base you're on. Run as fast as you can from the playing field which is a mere prop of satan the deceiver. And join the soldiers of the cross on the battlefield for souls. "And from the days of John the Baptist, until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." Matt. 11:12
Richard365 also states,
"Everyone is raving about this movie..."
Question: Who is the 'Everyone'...raving about this movie?
Verily it is not those who love the Holy One of Israel. Verily it is not those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Verily it is not those who sing Holy Holy Holy is the LORD God Almighty.
The answer to my question lies in your words preceeding your perturbation that everyone is raving about this movie.
"This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic." James 3:15 "These are they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." Jude 1:19
Verily it is those who love not our LORD Jesus Christ in incorruption. But rather love the portrayal of 'teen drinking, teen suicide and strong sexual content'. "But he who sins against me does violence to his own soul; all who hate me love death." Prov. 8:36
God commands His people,
Eph. 5:11,12 "Have nothing to do with the barren unprofitable deeds of darkness, but, instead of that, set your faces against them; for the things which are done by these people in secret it is disgraceful even to speak of." And, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1 Thess. 5:22
Richard365 states,
"You'll have to see it..."
NO! I WON'T! May God's people pray fervently.
"I will set no wicked thing before my eyes; I have hated the work of those who turn aside; it shall not fasten upon me.A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will not know evil." Psalm 101:3,4 "Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!" Psalm 141:4 "I made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I look intently on a virgin?" Job 31:1
OH! That God's people would heed God's commands.
OH! That God's people would say, "...If it is the Lord's will, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:15
"But now you boast in your presumptions. All such boasting is evil. Therefore, to anyone knowing to do good, and not doing it, it is sin to him." James 4:16,17
Richard365 states,
"Thanks for your time and if you've got some input, please say so."
If you've got more time I've got more input. Please say so. "See then that you walk carefully, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Eph. 5:15-17
| 2010/1/24 1:03 | Profile | Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: rainydaygirl | | Quote:
by rainydaygirl on 2010/1/23 18:17:46
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't care if it's secular or not
This is what really confuses me the most. Shouldn't we care if it is worldly? I wonder would Jesus care if it was worldly??
What did you think about what else I said, "[i]from what I've read, it sounds a whole lot like what God wants us to do: stop focusing on ourselves and start helping others.[/i]"?
Back to what you wrote I have a question, "If I went out to dinner with some sinners and had a glass of wine or a beer or two, would you consider that as "worldly" or more worldly?
I also realize that "I" am focusing on the word "worldly" and you might have been focusing more on my attitude. I'm not sure, we can never know when we post our responses! If I focused wrong, please forgive me.
God bless you! _________________ Lisa
| 2010/1/24 6:12 | Profile | Koheleth Member

Joined: 2005/11/10 Posts: 530 NC
| Re: New Movie called "To Save a Life" What do you think? | | If the trailer was that defiling, why would you ever choose to see the movie? |
| 2010/1/24 8:47 | Profile | rainydaygirl Member

Joined: 2008/10/27 Posts: 742
| Re: | |
Hi Lysa
You spoke of your attitude in your post. I just wanted to let you know it was fine, I did not since any anger or rudeness personally. I hope my post to will come across with only the love of Christ.
Back to what you wrote I have a question, "If I went out to dinner with some sinners and had a glass of wine or a beer or two, would you consider that as "worldly" or more worldly?
Just to be sure we are both on the same page when I answer your question I am going to make an assumption and if it is incorrect then feel free to let me know. First when you asked about going out to dinner with some sinners I am assuming that you were talking about unsaved/non christian friends(because we are all sinners:) If that is what you meant then I would answer you this way, concerning drinking a beer or two or having wine. I would ask you why are you drinking a beer or wine with your unsaved friends? What is the motivation of your heart in having these drinks? We both know that the Lord looks at the heart of why we do what we do so I think that is a very important question to ask ourselves?
I brought into question your comment that you did not care if it was secular(worldly) as long as it worked. I am wondering why wouldn't you care if it was a secular thing or not? Jesus cares about such things don't you think? Shouldn't we care about those things He cares about?
I do agree that it is a terrible tragedy to have a young person take their own life, but we have to be careful not to get caught up in our emotions.(I know just how hard this can be) We must remember that Jesus did not chase after anyone who rejected Him, and no where in the Bible are we instructed to copy the things of the world or to compromise in order to reach those who are lost.
"from what I've read, it sounds a whole lot like what God wants us to do: stop focusing on ourselves and start helping others."?
I can tell from your posts you have a great deal of love for young people and for the lost and that is a wonderful gift from God. God does want us to stop focusing on ourselves and He does want us to care for others, but He wants us to do so in Him. All that we do must be centered in Him or its useless. I see that there are many dangers when we as the body of Christ chase after the lost in a worldly way, when we behave as the world and copy their methods to reach the lost we end up effectively taking God out of the entire situation.
I just wanted to say thank you Lysa for sharing here with me. I look forward to hearing what the Lord shows us both as we seek to know His heart on this matter.
love in Him rdg
| 2010/1/24 12:39 | Profile |