Poster | Thread | docseth1 Member

Joined: 2008/5/17 Posts: 173 Valdosta, Ga
| Spiritual Balance | | Wherever the Holy Spirit goes, He takes His nature & character with Him. You cannot divide Him; He is indivisible. He will come to live inside of you as He is entirely, or He will not come at all. He will not leave off a part of Himself to become more conducive to our carnality or bad theology. Are you one of those who loves the gifts that He brings (1Cor 12), but care nothing for the fruit that He bares (Gal 5)? Perhaps it is the fruit that is the most appealing to you. Maybe you love His fruit, but you mock the very notion of His gifts being in operation today? Are you one who would dare to strip away the holiness of the Holy Spirit, while basking in the love, joy, and peace that He brings? Or do you know only His holiness, and know very little if anything of the love that He sheds abroad in our hearts, the peace that passes knowledge, and the fullness of joy that He promised? Will we dare to dissect and detach from Him characteristics that are essential to His nature - especially those characteristics that do not allow us to feel comfortable in our sin and spiritual apathy? Im speaking about balance spiritual balance.
These statements and questions have very real implications for all who desire and seek the fullness of the Spirit in their life. In a day where it seems that almost anything goes, both in society and the church, it important to realize that there are things that still offend the sensibilities of the Holy Spirit. There is a reason why the apostle Paul warned the Ephesus believers grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. How is it possible that the Holy Spirit can be grieved over sin, while many who profess to be Spirit filled are never grieved by it at all? How can this be? Do we not remember what Jesus said in Johns gospel, how that one of the major functions of the Holy Spirit was to bring about conviction of sin (Jn 16:8)? How is it possible then to claim the fullness of the Spirit and there never be any inward or outward displays of His presence? How can we profess the indwelling of the Holy Spirit without there being a hunger for holiness and a growing hatred for that which grieves His heart? Did not the apostle Paul rightfully call the Holy Ghost the Spirit of holiness? (Rom 1:4) One of the greatest evidences that a man or woman is born, filled, and being led by the Spirit is that they are constantly being challenged by the Spirit to become more and more like Christ. One thing that the Holy Spirit will not do is leave you like He found you. Those who desire His fullness need to know that there will be things that they will more than likely have to abandon and avoid in order to receive and maintain His presence.
To accept the fullness of the Holy Spirit is to bring a much needed balance back into the church. In a time where the gifts of the Spirit are being exploited for personal gain, and used to build the ministries of mere men, it is extremely important for Spirit filled believers to recognize that the only person that the Holy Spirit has been called to magnify is Jesus Christ. He has come to build the kingdom of Christ; not yours or mine. In John chapter fifteen and verse twenty-six, Jesus declared, when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which [proceeds] from the Father, he shall testify of me: The minister that speaks more of his own self and ministry more than he does the person of Christ cannot be Spirit led. An even more incredible truth to discover is that a Spirit led man will not spend the majority of his teaching or preaching expounding on the gifts of the Spirit. You see, as important as the Holy Spirit is, He should never become the main object of our focus. In John chapter sixteen and verse thirteen, Jesus said, he [the Holy Spirit] shall not speak of himself. The Spirit led individual will always point people to Jesus. The one who seeks to build his own kingdom is not on the side of Christ. Jesus did not mince words when He said, He that is not with me is against me; and he that [gathers] not with me [scatters] abroad (Mt 12:30). A very important question that should be asked any time an individual is said to be operating under the influence of the Spirit is this: How is Christ being magnified?
In a time when men can supposedly operate in the gifts of the Spirit, without maintaining personal or scriptural integrity, the fullness of the Spirit reminds us that if we will have His gifts, then we must also bare His fruit. Let us never forget that from the scriptures point of view, the only ones who were able to work miracles and perform signs and wonders without Godly integrity were the Antichrist and the false prophets. Let us not for a second suppose that such individuals were then or are now acting under the unction of the Holy Spirit. In order to avoid spiritual fanaticism and extremism that comes with unbalanced doctrine, and in order to escape falling under the spell of demonism, which often works under the guise of true faith, it is imperative for the church to once again know and experience the fullness of the Spirit. In times past, receiving the fullness of the Spirit meant mainly that one spoke with tongues and operated in the gifts; however, in these last days of apostasy and spiritual deception, it has also become increasingly imperative for the church to examine ones character along with ones supposed gifts. In truth, Jesus warned that we would know men by their fruit. It is no longer an acceptable form of discernment to judge a mans spirituality by his abilities alone; he must also possess qualities and characteristics that reflect the inward work of the Holy Spirit.
We have never lived in a time where it has become so necessary to know the Holy Spirit so intimately and completely. He is the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of holiness, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, the Spirit of Grace, and the Spirit of Christ. He is all of this and more. Study Him, know Him, acknowledge Him, and most importantly, accept Him. Not your condensed watered down version. When God said to Moses I Am, He was in essence saying I will be who I will be. God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, and the One who is one in essence with the Father and the Son, is who He is; and He will be who He will be. Do you desire His Fullness?
_________________ Cliff
| 2010/1/22 22:15 | Profile | docseth1 Member

Joined: 2008/5/17 Posts: 173 Valdosta, Ga
| Re: The Fullness of the Spirit & Spiritual Balance | | I posted these thoughts a month or so ago; but, I did so in the introduction part of the forum. I wanted to get it into the sermons and article section. God bless! _________________ Cliff
| 2010/1/22 22:19 | Profile | Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: The Fullness of the Spirit & Spiritual Balance | | Quote:
[b]We have never lived in a time where it has become so necessary to know the Holy Spirit so intimately and completely. He is the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of holiness, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, the Spirit of Grace, and the Spirit of Christ.[/b] He is all of this and more. Study Him, know Him, acknowledge Him, and most importantly, accept Him. Not your condensed watered down version. When God said to Moses I Am, He was in essence saying I will be who I will be. God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, and the One who is one in essence with the Father and the Son, is who He is; and He will be who He will be. Do you desire His Fullness?
Oh brother... this is so true!
Years ago I started attending a non-denominational / baptist church for approx 4 yrs. I've personally known three women I met there who received the Holy Spirit this past May, June, and July! And recently I've found out that there are about four more I went to church with there who have received! GOD IS ON THE MOVE!!
This outpouring I'm seeing is reminding me of when Jesus stood up after the last Jewish feast and said, [i]If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink! He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, from within him will flow rivers of living water." But he said this about the Spirit, which those believing in him were to receive. For the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus wasn't yet glorified.[/i] John 7.37-39
It reminds me of that scripture b/c now Christians are like those Jewish people, they have been called, they answered and have went to church all their life (everytime the doors are open). But like Jesus said then, HE is saying now to everyone after they get out of church... "Are you still thirsty? I've got something that will quench your thirst, only believe the Scriptures (not yours or someone else's interpretation of it!" Maybe I'm the only one that sees that! Upwards of 500 were invited to the upper room but only 120 went.
His invitation still stands today, "If you are still thirsty... come." _________________ Lisa
| 2010/1/23 5:50 | Profile | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: The Fullness of the Spirit & Spiritual Balance | | Brother,
thank you for this excellent post. We need so much to receive all of the workings of the Holy Spirit. Much of the church has relegated itself to receiving those characteristics of the Holy Spirit that are in line with their personal beliefs are dispostion. Many of the Pentecostal denominations are seeking after the gifts, but lack the fruit, and this is very dangerous for the gifts are to be exercised in the love of God. The gifts in operation without the corresponding fruit will only puff up the one that is exercising a particular gift.
On the other hand, many of the non pentecostal denominations are well developed in the fruit of the Spirit, but are lacking in the gifts, and the result is that there is no power in their lives or ministry. Their ministry lacks the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is to empower believers to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Both the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit must work together in balance. We are not to pick and choose what is pleasing to us, but to receive every good thing that has been provided unto us in Christ Jesus. Both the fruit and the gifts are needed for the building up of the Body of Christ.
Mike _________________ Mike
| 2010/1/23 10:09 | Profile |