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 "After Armageddon"---History Channel

albeit this is a secular program, i did pray before posting this. Now mind you, there is nothing salacious or obscene in it, there is some non-graphic violence, but my hesistation is that i dont desire to sow fear, thats my concern.....dont fear, because once you die to your flesh, once you die to this life, and rise anew IN Christ, death has no hold on you, Jesus does.

but we have little ones, we have family, and if any large situation arises,if the Lord doesnt take you and if the LORD says 'you must stay, be My Hands, be My Light, witness, teach and preach My Word'......then you choice but odedience.

heres the program on youtube, the first of nine parts

[url=]"After Armageddon" pt 1/9[/url]

may God have mercy on the lost, the helpless and harrassed sheep with no Sheperd, proclaim Him as Jesus, Son of God, Messiah, Risen from the dead, Who will return. Give them sight to see this and hearts to recieve Him.

 2010/1/21 20:54

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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