Jn. 21:18 I have had this verse he gave on my heart lately. You will find yourself going where you would not. My entire ministry has changed since the Holy Spirit caused me to see things differently. It is mostly based on my having the Holy Spirit in me, but I take him where I want to go. Now I see that he wants me to go where he wants to. I have been ashamed of myself, not in a condemning way. I find that as having the time to be alone with him, This with no one else around most of the time, he had answered my prayer. That was Lord I need to be alone with you and get focused. He has answered that prayer to the point that I have become a brand new man. As a matter of fact, through this time he has called me into the ministry. I sit with Jesus ,walk with Jesus, talk to him and he talks back to me. I am having dreams from God , visions, supernatural experiences, Looking into the depths of God's wisdom, and understandings of his word beyond all my dreams. I put my arms around him and a demon came out of me. If Moses could see this he would be beside himself. with joy that is. back to that scripture, the Lord showed me how I could go to places that I felt I wouldn't be able to go. One place in particular I told myself I wouldn't go, the Lord wanted me to I said Lord I will obey you. I went and he showed me something he is going to do which is going to make history.I am glad that I obeyed. I will be a part of it. The key to living in the Spirit 24/7 is death to our self life. Gal.2:20.