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 Sex on TV: It's increasingly uncut — and unavoidable

This is a title of an article in USA Today's "Life" section. I didn't post the link b/c I'm unsure of forum rules on this and b/c the article is explicit in what is already on cable tv and what is to come on mainstream tv. There's a war to win viewers and the mantra is 'sex sells'. We are vastly approaching a complete breakdown in boundries of decency.... the almighty dollar and the demand for such raunch will fuel this.

I will remind everyone of what David Wilkerson spoke will happen in these days back in the 70's concerning this:

"A flood of filth and a baptism of dirt in America"
Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity.
Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television. Young people will gather at homes to watch this kind of material in groups. <end>

Spike tv is a major player in this... the person behind their bold plan is quoted in the article and completely unapologetic.

Let's put some pieces together since 911 and realize the dire times we are in. Tsunami's, earthquakes in various places, gay a lesbian church indoctrinations, preachers with jets and rolls royces, many false prophets and extreme manifestation broadcast worldwide capturing the hearts and minds of every nation, immorality behind the pulpit, technology advancing like never before with i-phones, google maps, 'texting capabilities' that can be used for 'sexting', the global economy and world monetary system teetering on collapse with the events here and the realestate bubble in China and Dubai, the Euro currency and much more...

While the headlines are on Haiti... American television is swiftly and methodically pushing softcore pornography into the mainstream... softcore is not even a good description... it's simply hardcore raunch. God have mercy!!! We need to pray like never before.

I encourage people to get informed.... pray before you read the article if you decide to look into it. Thanks.

 2010/1/20 8:43

Joined: 2010/1/20
Posts: 1

 Re: Sex on TV: It's increasingly uncut — and unavoidable


I agree with what you are sharing.. I am a South African and what you've just outline is happenning in my country. Now ..Yes it call for those who know their God to really seek His face and ask for grace as our children are exposed to this things.

May God give us the strength and the enabling of the Holy Spirit to remain True and Faithful in praying for the world.

God Bless you...

 2010/1/20 9:26Profile

 Re: Sex on TV: It's increasingly uncut — and unavoidable

i pulled the plug on the dish a while back, not only because of the general lascivious nature of some content, but because the general flood of secular DROSS.....the commercial's extolling folks to just BUY STUFF, the fussing and arguing over the "news" channels, dont matter whether it be MSNBC or Fox.

i even called the dish people and asked if i could ala carte, and you might ask, 'what WOULD you want?!'...well, i enjoy RFD-TV, thats the rural farm channel, i like cattle auctions, and the ag reports, etc, i wanted C-Span 1, 2 and 3 for various reasons, and i wanted the weather channel, and they said "no can do", so i said 'cancel', sent 'em back their box.

i do enjoy baseball, but i like it better either at the stadium, or on radio, with the grill going. the grill always makes me think of the Lord. i'm not being flippant or blaspheming, it makes me think of the old Temple in Jerusalem...with all the burnt offerings, the fragrance must of been like a gigantic barbeque.(i know, i'm weird)so....ask the Lord, he might lead one to just pull the plug.

much love in Jesus' neil

 2010/1/20 9:38

Joined: 2009/8/31
Posts: 416
Ohio USA


One of the best ways to avoid the trash on TV is to throw the unclean thing out. I am so glad it is not in our home. It is just as easy to get news from other sources that are less defiling.


 2010/1/20 10:20Profile

Joined: 2007/1/15
Posts: 365


I got saved in the holiness movement way back. As i recall, they would recount the evils of TV and exhorted us to 'throw it out'. I thought that was a bit over the top and joined others in defending our precious box.

All these years later, i finally agree with dem ol' preachers. There's very little that's neutral and virtually nothing edifying.

May the Lord strengthen us as we choose to 'not set anything evil before our eyes'


 2010/1/20 10:47Profile


I agree with what has been shared. Neil, you're not weird bro... just peculiar.. which is NOT a dubious honor. I don't want to spin this into legalism, and I don't think that's the intent here or the focus of those joining the discussion. My focus was more on this 'movement' as awhole and the blatant message that seemingly says 'get over it'. It's a progessively degenerative movement... it will get worse and worse. TV is just one tool that will be used to desensitize unsuspecting souls into debauchery. We already know what the internet can do and has done. We're called to heed the signs of the times... I think that's what we're doing here, at least I hope so. We need to be very careful and watchful. Watch and pray!!! Thanks brothers and sisters for the replies.

 2010/1/20 11:12

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057



I agree with you that much of what is on television is filled with worldly and sinful images.We do need to be careful and not compromise. We do still watch some tv but it is monitored and all channels that are not acceptable are blocked and can not be viewed. We also use the tv for viewing movies from time to time. There have been some movies(edited) that the Lord has really used to speak to my heart and touch my life. I think that you are also correct that the internet can be equally as dangerous. I have found that there is need for prayer and discernment in all forms of entertainment, music, video games, sports, and even in going for a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon.(Where I live in the summertime sadly most women dress very immodestly.) I think that these issues are a matter of the heart for sure and that as with any form of entertainment much prayer, and discernment is needed.

Thank you for sharing this, I told my husband as things seem to continue in the world the way they are going we do have to be always mindful and seeking the Lord in these matters. We don't want to give our time or hearts away to something that He would find offensive.

God Bless

 2010/1/20 12:53Profile

Joined: 2009/7/4
Posts: 34
Moncton, New-Brunswick Canada


Here is a great teaching on overcoming sexual sin.

Overcoming sexual sin by Jason Robinson

Marc Collette

 2010/1/20 13:10Profile

Joined: 2009/8/31
Posts: 416
Ohio USA


What we take in is what we soon become. We must be very careful. Some things are better left untouched so we don't get burned. Indeed, may God help us to "guard ourselves".


 2010/1/20 15:47Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri


My wife and I have not had a TV in the house for several years now, and I miss it not at all. Frankly, I am too busy to watch it. When I do see a television on at virtually every public place I go these days, I realize the draw that it has on people, and the constant stream of messages that it pumps them full of.

While I don't think the medium of TV is sin in and of itself, and I praise God for the ministries that use it to reach the loss, it needs to be used with great discretion and discipline.


 2010/1/21 21:43Profile

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