Saints,The Nepal Revival Conference was truly a blessing and it is amazing all the things God did in the 3 days that we ministered and served these dear pastors and people who came. Here are the audio downloads of the sessions. [url=]A Call For Leaders In Nepal by Bhuvan Devkota (nepalese)[/url][url=]50 Marks Of A Pharisee by Greg Gordon (nepalese / english)[/url][url=]Broken In Pieces by Scott Hynds (nepalese / english)[/url][url=]False Prophets In Nepal by Greg Gordon (nepalese / english)[/url][url=]Freedom From Sin by Scott Hynds (nepalese / english)[/url][url=]Take Heed To Your Ministry by Don Davis (nepalese / english)[/url][url=]Take Heed To Yourself by Don Davis (nepalese / english)[/url]
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Saints,here are some photos from the nepal conference: [url=][/url]