"After Julius Caesar was murdered, Antonius brought forth his coat all bloody, and cut, and laid it before the people, saying, 'Look, here you have your emperor's coat, thus bloody and torn;' whereupon the people were presently in an uproar, and cried out to slay those murderers; and they took their tables and stools that were in the place, and set them on fire, and run to the houses of them that had slain Caesar, and burnt them. So when we consider that sin hath slain our Lord Jesus, ah! how should it provoke our hearts to be revenged on sin, that hath murdered the Lord of glory, and hath done that mischief, that all the devils in hell could not have done. It was good counsel one gave, 'Never let go out of your mind, the thoughts of a crucified Christ;' let these be meat and drink unto you; let them be your sweetness and consolation; your honey, and your desires; your reading and your meditation; your life, death, and resurrection." -Thomas Brooks
Quote: "How it should provoke our hearts to be revenged on sin ..."We do not hate sin as we should, which is why we are not grieved when we sin.But, what it cost Christ.