I have prayed for my fiend on here before but just yesterday he told me he found out about more about his chronic fatigue syndrome. First off they have a virus called the xmrv and it is in their dna which he said will be their for good. He also said he most likely will get cancer from it. I just ask you to be in prayer for his disease but firstly his salvation. Months ago i told him that we our all wicked and evil human beings and he disbelieved me, but just recently he came to told me that he is starting to see what i am talking about that he is wicked sinner, God had been showing him his wickedness of his heart, will you join me in prayer for the Lord to work mightily on his life and that his will be performed. I want to be saved but at the same time i know he is miserable with his health problem. His name is keith Jacobs.Thank you guys.