Here is a quick update on my mother's condition and a request for continued prayer. Early Tuesday morning my mom (90 yrs. old) suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. Since that time she has had another heart attack (Wednesday) and it is thought that she may have suffered several mini-strokes. At this point, she is weak but doing a little better since a temporary pace-maker was inserted. Keeping her blood pressure stabilized with medication has been a bit of a challenge but she was feeling a little better today. Mom knows that many of you have been praying for her and she is very grateful. Please continue to lift her up to the Father as she walks through this difficult time. She is a Christian.Denny
_________________Dennis Green
Hi Denny...We are praying for your mom. May the Lord give you and her the peace that passes all understanding.
Greetings DennyWe will be praying for you mom here. Trust in Him and know that He is with your mom and you always.God Blessmj