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Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Often discussed topics thread link collection.

How about that thread name :-D

Since we often discuss many topics over and over again, i have compiled a "thread collection" of topics that are discussed over and over again, it is a work in progress and i will add more "topics" later on. Maybe it may help some that are curios about one of these topics to read first through these before starting a new thread. although many threads have maybe less then garceful post in them, some are mine i dare confess, yet some have very good wisdom in them from many posters. Anyway, i hope some that have questions about these topics can maybe find some answers or up building reading for themselves. also some of the threads are locked unfortunately, but that should serve us as a reminder how not to talk and discuss as followers of Christ. (some threads may span over several subjects but i tried as best i can to categorize them properly, also there are other threads across the forum, i only went through the scripture and doctrine section, if you have a thread of value i please post it and i can just update the list.)

[u][b][color=660000][font=Verdana]Mixed threads of different subjects worthy of reading in my opinion. I have found many of them very encouraging during "hard times" and very faith building in my walk. [/font][/color][/b][/u]

[url=]Amazing Interview [/url]

[url=] Just who IS responsible for this state of affairs?[/url]

[url=]Understanding mortification[/url]

[url=]Jonathan Edwards - undiscerning spiritual pride[/url]

[url=]The battlescars of a satanic attack[/url]

[url=] "Sober-Mindedness Pressed Upon Youth" Matthew Henry sermon modernized and in installments[/url]

[url=]The Dangers of the Gospel of Accommodation[/url]

[url=]Anatomy of Deception[/url]

[url=]self denial christianity[/url]

[url=]Thread about John Pipers biography series[/url]

[url=]When there is brokenness, when there is pride.[/url]

[url=]Holiness J.C Ryle[/url]

[b]Once saved always saved or eternal security[/b]

[url=]Once saved always saved?[/url]

[url=]Once saved always saved[/url]

[url=]Losing your salvation[/url]

[url=]Once justified always justified[/url]

[url=]can a born again christian lose his salvation and end up in hell?[/url]

[url=]Hebrews 6:4-7[/url]

[url=]All men everywhere[/url]

[url=]can salvation be lost?[/url]

[b]Sinless perfection / Holiness / Sin nature[/b]

[url=]Adams sin our guilt[/url]

[url=]The fatal trap of holiness preaching[/url]

[url=]Original sin[/url]

[url=]Can you prove sin nature?[/url]

[url=]Total depravity , entire sanctification[/url]

[url=]Any brother without sin is what?[/url]

[url=]Illustration regarding total depravity[/url]

[url=]Answering opposition to true holiness[/url]

[url=]Original sin[/url]

[url=]Free from sin teaching[/url]

[url=]sinless perfection[/url]

[url=]Holiness possible today[/url]

[b]Bible versions and translations[/b]

[url=]Is the Bible really the inerrant Word of God?[/url]

[url=]The biblical position on KJV[/url]

[url=]Nasb or Nkjv[/url]

[url=]Why would anybody still use KJV?[/url]

[url=]What translation to get?[/url]

[url=]What version?[/url]

[url=]Why do some versions leave out some words?[/url]

[url=] Minority text , majority text, what difference does it make?[/url]

[b]The rapture, tribulation etc[/b]

[url=]The Church and the tribulation[/url]

[url=]Strange Sounds from the Pretribulational Camp[/url]

[url=]the rapture a false hope[/url]

[url=]The church and the tribulation[/url]

[url=]False view of the church going through the tribulation[/url]

[url=]Facts on the rapture[/url]

[url=]Did jesus come already?[/url]

[url=]Pre trib rapture[/url]

[url=]Pre vs post rapture[/url]

[url=]The rapture of the church[/url]

[url=]End of the rapture or rapture at the end[/url]

[b] Cal vs Arm (predestination and other related topics such as regeneration etc) [/b]

[url=]The tightrope walker - Keith Daniel[/url]

[url=]'Am I Calvinist?', 'Am I Arminianist?'[/url]

[url=]Calvinism & Arminianism and some advice from Tozer[/url]

[url=]Who did Christ die for[/url]

[url=]Born again by what means?[/url]

[url=]Personal election[/url]

[url=]Was judas a true believer at one point?[/url]

[url=]Charles Finney and moral Government[/url]

[url=]Does God predestine some to hell? (double predestination)[/url]

[url=]Predestination & free will[/url]

[url=]A question about repentance and grace[/url]

[url=]A question for calvinists [/url]

[url=]Freewill and boasting[/url]

[url=]Should heretics (non-calvinists) be burned alive[/url]

[url=]Is calvinism the faith that was handed down?[/url]


[url=]Pelagius & Pelagianism[/url]

[url=]Whosoever beliveth[/url]

[url=]What the early church fathers believed about free will[/url]

[url=]Justified by works[/url]

[url=]Free will in greek[/url]


[url=]5 points of calvinism considered[/url]

[b]"Discernment" threads, false gospel, entertainment etc"[/b]

[url=] Prosperity Preachers and Financial Gain[/url]


[url=]What fire has the younger generation acuierd?[/url]

[url=]Holy Laughter or strong delusion?[/url]

[url=]A.W Tozer on entertainment[/url]

[url=]Wordly amussment by Finney[/url]

[url=]Workers of iniquity[/url]

[url=]False prophet chaos[/url]

[url=]Kenneth Hagin & holy laughter[/url]

[url=]Does music matter[/url]

[url=]RICK WARREN- False Teacher or man of God? [/url]

[url=]False Prophets - False Teachers[/url]

[b]Nonresistance and theology of martyrdom and threads about christians involvment in war and government[/b]

[url=]We need to talk about peace[/url]

[url=]Will you kill or be killed[/url]

[url=]Will you defend your family?[/url]

[url=]Jesus and his teaching accentuate the end of all killing!!!![/url]

[url=]Christian non resistance[/url]

[b] Marriage [/b]

[url=]Does God hate divorce?[/url]

[url=]Together but not married[/url]

[url=]Marrige divorce, remarrige- the biblical perspective[/url]

[url=]Husband of one wife[/url]

[url=]Divorce remarrige - what does God say about it?[/url]

[url=]Divorce and remarrige[/url]

[url=]Great quotes[/url]

[url=]Ravenhill quotes[/url]

[url=]John Wesley quotes[/url]

[url=]T.A Sparks quotes[/url]

[url=]Tozer quotes - at the center[/url]

[url=]Tozer quotes - truth[/url]

[url=]Tozer quotes on the cross[/url]

[url=]Prayer quotes[/url]

[url=]Quotes from William Gurnall[/url]

[url=]A wesley a day keep the trivia away[/url]

[url=]A goldmine of puritanism[/url]

[b]Death - Heaven & Hell[/b]

[url=]Death awaits[/url]

[url=]What happeneds at death?[/url]

[url=] Hell and Everlasting Punishment (article series) [/url]

[url=]Is hellfire eternal?[/url]

[url=]But after this the......[/url]

[b]the Holy Spirit, gifts etc[/b]

[url=]The Distinction Between Being "Filled" and "Baptized" in the Holy Ghost [/url]

[url=]Holy Spirit[/url]

[url=]The sin of forbidding gifts[/url]

[url=]Speaking in toungues[/url]

[url=]Desiring the gifts of the spirit[/url]

[url=]Fruit inspection[/url]


[url=]Is the baptism of the spirit for us today?[/url]

[url=]Toungues 2[/url]

[url=]Speaking in toungues[/url]

[url=]Baptism / infilling of the spirit[/url]


 2009/12/4 14:21Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703

 Re: Often discussed topics thread link collection.

Nice. Very helpful. Thank you. :-)

 2009/12/4 14:26Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Great idea brother!

Thanks for all the time and effort you obviously put into this. Personally, I'll find this very useful, and I'm sure others will too.

Paul Frederick West

 2009/12/4 14:38Profile


It's too bad that this can't stay at the top of the forum as in, "Look Here Before Starting A New Thread" type dealy. Because it's really daunting wading through hundreds of threads so not to start a new thread that has already been discussed extensively before. :-(

 2009/12/4 14:43

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994



DeepThinker wrote:
It's too bad that this can't stay at the top of the forum as in, "Look Here Before Starting A New Thread" type dealy. Because it's really daunting wading through hundreds of threads so not to start a new thread that has already been discussed extensively before. :-(

well maybe later on when it gets a bit more broad Greg may sticky it or refer to it in the "forum rules" or something, but there are a few more subject that are widely talked about i am going to add, also in some of already dealt with topics i have in my head some threads i just havent found yet :-P . I was thinking predestination, baptism in the holy spirit with all that relates to that gift etc. False prophets-cults-doctrines, and so on. Also i have another one in mind sort of a recommended section, threads that has been recommended by SI and other users, there have been many through the years, and it would be a gold mine for new users to be able to have a reference what was blessing people three years ago i think :-) since the word of God never stops blessing or grow old. But do have patience it is a work in progress and pls feel free to help out.


 2009/12/4 14:54Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


I updated the first post


 2009/12/5 4:51Profile


I've also saved it in my web browser.

 2009/12/5 14:33

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795



tremendous work! I have stickyed it for now in the general topics section. I am going to talk with the moderators if locked each of the threads a necessity so they become "reference" threads and then will not be re-hashed again and again.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/12/5 14:45Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


I updated the list further, and i feel its enough for now. There are some very worthwhile reading.


 2009/12/6 16:36Profile

Joined: 2009/7/1
Posts: 75

 Re: Often discussed topics thread link collection.

This is a great idea, brother hmmhmm. I'll certainly be referencing this when I have questions.

 2009/12/12 15:53Profile

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